9-10  大中型工业企业主要经济指标(2007年)
main financial indicators of large and medium industrial enterprises, 2007
单位:万元       (10000 yuan) 
  item         固定资产 固定资产 流动资产 产品销售       本年应交
单位数                       所得税 增 值 税
(个) 总产值 增加值   年 末 数 年 末 数 年 末 数            
number of       original value net value of circulating     total   value added
enterprises gross industrial value added total of fixed assets fixed assets funds at sale total profits and income tax tax payable in
(unit) output value of industry assets at the year-end at the year-end the year-end revenue profit tax payable current year
  total 1648 75765855 21279269 64324709 33505960 21561588 31564172 74266030 5684487 8629865 722715 1991606
煤炭开采和洗选业 coal mining and dressing 9 187223 116028 281530 136048 88804 125711 240101 30333 56453 5296 22528
石油和天然气开采业 petroleum and natural gas mining                        
黑色金属矿采选业 ferrous metals  mining and dressing 9 407727 183191 360083 247767 208080 85189 379953 92817 111177 9152 15383
有色金属矿采选业 nonferrous metals mining and dressing 3 30315 10341 46961 23898 7084 35399 29915 3377 4366 467  
非金属矿采选业 nonmetal minerals mining and dressing 3 35834 20134 53825 25780 24137 25794 35188 10910 14200 2271 2492
其他采矿业 others mining and quarrying                        
农副食品加工业 agricultural and sideline products processing 59 1491998 388717 987698 462437 306601 563656 1511407 101607 131616 12233 24314
食品制造业 food manufacturing 57 1444595 426062 943288 477519 328282 481556 1365536 74767 127630 11460 44252
饮料制造业 beverage manufacturing 24 1130055 464216 974830 609408 352127 452130 1111309 139476 259658 8334 68705
烟草制品业 tobacco processing 3 1262892 1014138 1031494 400663 210212 711200 1261347 235571 926513 58871 143688
纺织业 textile industry 151 4271919 1198234 3576582 1962361 1359499 1763698 4073813 289197 374188 25130 71637
纺织服装、鞋、帽制造业 textile garments , shoes and caps products 134 3815908 1268616 2150181 722871 520241 1331989 3724547 347121 495066 43080 128844
皮革、毛皮、羽毛(绒)及其 leather , furs , down and relate products 194 5248948 1673588 2780145 1158054 753427 1787592 5214524 373856 536371 35608 137135
木材加工及木、竹、藤、棕、 timber processing , bamboo , cane , palm 15 332209 93744 432808 287522 181846 160406 322348 12679 21440 893 7049
    草制品业         fiber and straw products                        
家具制造业 furniture manufacturing 35 641412 186894 560616 213973 152223 361882 620567 26750 41142 2462 11834
造纸及纸制品业 papermaking and paper products 41 1203850 324755 1717344 1077154 599926 648315 1151043 97079 150071 13599 45718
印刷业和记录媒介的复制 printing and record medium reproduction 15 207510 56746 157313 93697 60400 76242 203260 11706 19772 1097 6868
文教体育用品制造业 cultural , educational and sports goods 40 732659 185304 501761 199204 128777 337486 706626 34526 42767 2514 6366
石油加工、炼焦及核燃料 petroleum processing , coking and nuclear 3 1395031 146613 2468773 338016 312392 640234 1534523 57825 166517 67257 57208
    加工业         fuel processing                        
化学原料及化学制品制造业 raw chemical materials and chemical products 34 2345371 414885 2093833 1351008 933941 1006491 2320215 89359 148861 10093 55976
医药制造业 medical and pharmaceutical products 17 535120 190658 605683 268155 160489 298090 479222 55452 76557 10909 18971
化学纤维制造业 chemical fiber 16 1808037 367319 1644364 959032 643489 734042 1695715 94557 119305 5071 18259
橡胶制品业 rubber products 38 1382511 405946 1232092 791894 516013 587385 1457707 126221 184259 12301 46243
塑料制品业 plastic products 75 1719711 476211 1181931 548839 326783 748381 1700053 116830 151631 12979 29091
非金属矿物制品业 nonmetal minerals products 99 2969347 980760 3422628 1782224 1185481 1449085 3022400 309786 447256 21917 112263
黑色金属冶炼及压延加工业 smelting and pressing of ferrous metals 26 3930133 960311 3397546 1532852 1124728 1927915 3924042 269843 429221 36667 148252
有色金属冶炼及压延加工业 smelting and pressing of nonferrous metals 16 1908379 592415 2114213 747920 495235 751136 1940440 371089 409698 65758 25772
金属制品业 metal products 43 1200347 276321 802295 283753 167217 585275 1178059 93083 111598 7894 14005
通用设备制造业 general equipment 42 1346590 422151 1128325 459707 283755 700571 1381158 127945 163720 20020 24020
专用设备制造业 special purpose equipment 33 1442032 365782 1664468 283859 172432 1198511 1395470 100889 140974 10825 35841
交通运输设备制造业 transport equipment 61 3673092 976414 3134769 1216962 824716 1987260 3552164 252013 377831 19382 72836
电气机械及器材制造业 electric equipment and machinery 82 3897139 1076472 2620280 772181 468550 1869536 3787962 334730 416037 39491 75017
通信设备、计算机及其他电子 telecommunications , computer , and other 110 14638376 3284738 8214805 2533279 1491268 5794572 13963935 850345 928224 56315 68242
    设备制造业         electronic equipment                        
仪器仪表及文化、办公用机械 instruments , meters , cultural and clerical 34 784896 229802 561548 256393 149837 336644 765530 35273 46890 4839 10455
    制造业         machinery                        
工艺品及其他制造业 handicraft article and other manufacturing 64 1344483 454193 898522 319016 213243 580334 1273868 92641 139328 10879 34130
废弃资源和废旧材料回收加工业 waste resources and materials recovering                        
电力、热力的生产和供应业 production and supply of electric power 56 6815779 1978307 9644516 10226954 6311136 1256520 6768714 418616 847605 73797 403127
         and hot power                        
燃气生产和供应业 production and supply of gas 2 32527 -1060 177926 104944 77843 25333 32027 -4690 -4685    
水的生产和供应业 production and supply of water 5 151901 70325 759734 630621 421374 138616 141344 10910 16609 3858 5088