9-6  规模以上工业企业主要工业产品产量
output of major industrial products above designated size
    name of commodities 2000 2005 2006 2007
原煤(万吨) coal (10000 tons)               375.03 1331.74 1759.18 1991.74
铁矿石原矿量(万吨) primary iron ore (10000 tons)               169.04 483.86 748.28 1014.80
硫铁矿(折硫35%)(万吨)  sulphur iron  (10000 tons)          3.50 1.66 7.92 4.79
原盐(万吨)     salt  (10000 tons)              28.37 34.49 31.12 33.40
配混合饲料(万吨) mixed feed (10000 tons)                97.49 218.52 236.68 260.15
食用植物油(万吨) eatened vegetable  (10000 tons)                6.24 43.48 51.27 71.26
糖(万吨) sugar (10000 tons)          6.11 6.25 3.87 5.36
罐头(万吨) tin (10000 tons)                  26.78 78.57 89.53 111.03
味精(吨) monosodium glutamate (ton)                   68856.00 71437.00 77207.76 62917.00
啤酒(万吨) beer (10000 tons)       110.40 157.33 172.11 189.66
软饮料(万吨) soft drink (10000 tons)                     39.82 111.28 151.67 189.76
精制茶(万吨) highly finished tea (10000 tons)                1.70 3.95 4.67 5.82
卷烟(万箱) cigarette (10000 cases)     98.62 121.00 128.01 142.06  
纱(吨) yarn   (ton)                143641.00 680042.45 998062.17 1098109.00
布(万米) cloth  (10000 m)                      55866.76 201265.57 194994.71 242365.00
  棉布  cottoned cloth              2937.63 13019.51 11507.81 16730.00
  棉混纺交织布 blending cloth           11021.97 35790.31 50716.20 62813.00
  纯化纤布     pure chemical fibre cloth           41907.16 152455.75 132770.70 162822.00
印染布(万米) printing and dyeing cloth (10000 m)                     38744.06 162653.11 292431.38 303798.00
毛线(吨) kitting wool (ton)                   7523.00 9996.52 6780.00 7257.00
丝织品(万米) silk (10000 m)              1999.95 1751.00 184.00 3264.00
服装(万件) clothes (10000 piece)                   39876.69 81539.42 100767.74 130256.00
轻革(万平方米) light leather (10000 sq.m)                 359.12 3333.58 6562.27 3318.56
皮鞋(万双) leather shoes (10000 pairs)               2.09 5.04 6.12 6.97
人造板(万立方米) man-made wood (10000 cu.m)                     67.70 266.49 357.84 535.23
 #胶合板 plywood 22.48 108.27 128.77 183.18
   纤维板  fiberboond            29.49 114.55 142.82 166.74
   刨花板   honghed wood               14.50 19.36 50.26 114.25
机制纸及纸板(万吨)  machine-made paper and paperboard  (10000 tons)             85.07 187.11 193.20 237.85
 #新闻纸   newsprint               24.18 37.53 31.44 30.21
焦炭(万吨)  coke(10000 tons)                 44.89 90.94 91.12 90.89
硫酸(折100%)(万吨) sulfuric acid (10000 tons)         33.87 41.06 47.13 54.02
盐酸(含量31%以上)(万吨) hydrochloric (10000 tons)    12.45 14.02 14.81 13.61
烧碱(折100%) (万吨) caustic soda  (10000 tons)       15.64 25.51 26.24 31.36
纯碱(万吨) soda ash  (10000 tons)               9.45 19.23 21.15 19.79
电石(万吨)        calcium carbide (10000 tons)        15.49 14.26 14.88 14.75
合成氨(万吨)       synthetic ammonia (10000 tons)             80.09 94.15 103.72 100.52
农用化肥(万吨)          chemical fertilizer  (10000 tons)       61.38 60.27 64.76 62.95
 #氮肥          nitrogerous fertilizer (10000 tons)          50.96 55.70 60.15 59.19
  #尿素   carbamine             27.86 31.34 32.23 33.89
  磷肥  phosphate fertilizer                7.96 4.56 4.61 3.67
化学农药(吨)             chemical pesticide (ton)     9866.00 9075.00 10940.00 12359.00
油漆(吨)            paint (ton)         19096.00 44850.93 103643.45 108453.00
塑料(吨)  plastics (ton)                   143470.00 337875.88 313144.12 319741.00
肥皂 (吨)  soap (ton)                  2683.00 2401.30 5007.40 9389.00
合成洗涤剂(吨)  synthetic detergents (ton)    68.00 7004.34 3540.00 14141.00
化学原料药(吨)   chemical medicine (ton)                1205.00 2778.90 3309.24 4369.00
中成药(吨)             mid-product chineses medicine (ton)          3781.00 3904.19 3293.91 4799.00
化学纤维(吨)              chemical fiber  (ton)      412198.00 791167.31 1063227.18 1376888.00
轮胎外胎(万条)       tires (10000 pcs)             983.96 1780.97 1820.09 2153.21
塑料制品(万吨)  plastics (10000 tons)                   55.70 86.30 87.77 106.55
水泥(万吨)  cement  (10000 tons)                 1513.64 2713.62 3343.93 4449.69
砖(亿块)    bricks  (100 million pcs)                  2.34 2.07 5.68 7.47
花岗石板材(万平方米) granite board  (10000 sq.m)                1126.68 6832.26 6270.23 8456.08
平板玻璃(万重量箱)      plate glass  (10000 cases)          479.87 641.51 1827.35 1867.12
日用玻璃制品(万吨) glass products (10000 tons)                10.82 12.02 13.52 14.60
日用陶瓷(亿件)               daily-use ceramics (100 million pcs) 3.63 1.02 1.79 1.86
生铁(万吨)            pig iron  (10000 tons)       149.37 393.96 421.69 471.83
钢(万吨)       steel  (10000 tons)                  124.94 382.33 465.48 588.43
成品钢材(万吨)  steel products  (10000 tons)                 283.79 735.90 842.55 1046.40
铁合金(万吨)           iron alloy (10000 tons)          3.97 5.90 9.95 12.08
十种有色金属(吨) ten nonferrous metals total (ton)        34474 60362 882242 96039
工业锅炉(蒸发量吨)                 industrial boiler (steam ton) 1318.00 8.80 18.80  
内燃机(万千瓦)            internal-combustion engine (10000 kw)     58.58 119.71 145.38 167.47
金属切削机床(台) metal-cutting machine tools (set)         584 1815 1950 2379
锻压机械(吨) forging press (set)                2692 5213 1815 1786
起重机械(吨)      crane machine  (ton)         1988 4105 4620 4107
叉车(台)      fork truck  (set)          3301 6720 8019 10010
泵(万台)                      pump (10000 sets) 167.69 490.72 518.35 720.00
风机(万台) wind machine  (10000 sets)               0.57 0.46 0.57 0.46
气体压缩机(台)   gas compressor  (set)          28506 42836 35397 38238
轴承(万套)       bearing  (10000 units)          1767.03 4690.00 5666.15 6688.00
小型拖拉机(万台)  small tractors motor (10000 sets)            1.74 2.47 1.84 1.90
汽车(辆)             vehicles  (unit)  29606 70260 73215 86514
 #载货汽车 cargo vehicles               10244 4158 13215 17852
改装汽车(辆)       refitted vehicles (unit)          7107 26555 33474 49712
民用钢质船舶(总吨) civil steelen boats             44457 146816 162459 327426
交流电动机(万千瓦)               alternating current electromotor (10000 kw) 179.96 248.43 300.29 403.29
电力变压器(万千伏安)              power transformer (10000 kva) 254.90 348.93 395.61 461.75
电力电缆(公里)                electric cable (km) 14629.00 18381.00 83604.61 53548.00
钢芯铝绞线(吨)               steel wire with aluminium twist (ton) 17330.00 18083.98 16901.18 18204.00
电话单机(万部)                 telephone set (10000 sets) 664.63 972.89 797.99 571.71
微型电子计算机(部)           personal computers (10000 sets) 887678 3714387 4457288 5132277
半导体分立器件(万只)           semiconductor parts (10000 units) 13235.15 22289.68 31820.07 42053.00
集成电路(万块)          semiconductor integrated circuit (10000 units) 6888.00 13996.22 7126.62 5948.00
电视机(万部)                   tv sets (10000 sets) 275.41 397.09 523.30 522.24
 #彩色电视机               color tv sets 204.19 373.90 496.11 513.63
收音机(万台)                       radio (10000 sets) 174.95 138.16 127.77 126.67
照相机(台)                       cameras (set) 3221684 1101899 1431475 2210952
钟(万只)                           clocks (10000 sets) 2747.48 9298.33 4612.40 4777.40
发电量(亿千瓦小时)                       electricity (100 million kwh) 403.73 778.25 904.25 1038.28
 #水电                   hydropower 195.22 291.00 346.82 311.59