8-25  主要畜禽产品产量
output of main livestock products
    item 2000 2006 2007
1.肉类产量(万吨) output of meat(10000 tons)  145.92 161.81 150.65
   猪肉(万吨)    pork(10000 tons) 114.79 134.36 121.87
   牛肉(万吨)   beaf(10000 tons)   2.12 1.99 2.06
   羊肉(万吨)   mutton(10000 tons)   1.33 1.41 1.44
   禽肉(万吨)   meat of poultry(10000 tons)  26.21 22.07 23.13
   兔肉(万吨)    rabbit meat(10000 tons) 1.47 1.97 2.15
2.牛奶产量(万吨)  output of cow milk(10000 tons) 9.60 16.27 15.51
  羊奶产量(万吨)  output of ewe milk(10000 tons) 0.31 0.38 0.34
3.蜂蜜产量(万吨)  output of honey(10000 tons) 0.54 0.81 0.82
4.禽蛋产量(万吨)  output of poultry eggs(10000 tons) 40.69 36.92 39.69
5.肉猪出栏数(万头) number of slaughtered fattened hogs 1560.81 1866.14 1645.94
          (10000 heads)      
    出栏率(%)  rate of slaughter(%) 148.70 129.57 132.48
  肉羊出栏数(万头) number of slaughtered fattened sheep 97.80 104.14 105.28
          (10000 heads)      
    出栏率(%) rate of slaughter(%) 104.30 104.14 105.28
  肉牛出栏数(万头) number of slaughtered fattened cows 21.31 19.50 20.01
          (10000 heads)      
6.家禽出栏数(万只) number of slaughtered poultry 20633.89 17040.42 17636.83
          (10000 heads)      
7.家兔出栏数(万只) number of slaughtered domestic rabbit 1178.96 1559.33 1524.18
          (10000 heads)