8-23  造林面积
areas of afforestation
    item 2000 2006 2007
1.当年造林面积 afforested area in current year    24.50 23.18 35.45
  #用材林          commercial forest 8.07 18.26 27.62
    经济林          economic forest 6.47 2.01 2.12
    防护林          shelter forest 8.04 2.69 5.67
    薪炭林       fuel forest    1.90 0.18 0.04
2.迹地更新面积 areas of slash reforestation     54.91 94.74 87.61
3.零星植树(万株) fragmentary forest(10000 trees) 3559.00 1816.34 2186.00
4.封山育林面积    areas of afforestation in hill 1060.37 294.71 223.18
5.育苗面积    areas of grown seedings 0.32 0.61 0.72
6.幼林抚育作业面积 areas of tending young forest 232.00 231.93 268.95
7.成林抚育作业面积 areas of tending grown forest 188.05 86.32 93.40
note: data of afforested areas before 1985 cover the afforested areas with survival rate over 45%. from 1986, the survival rare should be 
over 85%.