8-6  粮食作物播种面积
sown areas of grain
 单位:千公顷    (1000 hectare)
    item 2000 2006 2007
                 total 1828.51 1226.94 1201.05 1201.0464
按收获季节分   by harvest season      
  春收粮食   spring harvest         163.32 74.91 74.30 74.2982
  夏收粮食    summer harvest       509.82 297.33 280.27 280.2702667
  秋收粮食     autumn harvest      1156.28 854.70 846.48 846.4779333
按品种分     by crop           
  稻谷    rice       1222.304 890.67 868.69 868.6933333
    早稻     early rice       414.30 239.98 221.98 221.98
    中稻     middle rice 393.59 294.82 305.96 305.96
    晚稻          late rice 414.41 355.87 340.75 340.7533333
  大小麦            barley and wheat 51.15 5.77 5.36 5.361466667
  #小麦        wheat   38.70 4.85 4.48 4.48
  甘薯   sweet potato         280.87 162.74 160.41 160.4134
  马铃薯      potato       88.60 61.48 60.80 60.80373333
  杂粮   food grains other than wheat and rice         47.06 36.42 37.82 37.8216
  大豆          soybean 105.43 52.83 52.04 52.03706667
  杂豆   sundry soybean         33.38 16.89 15.92 15.91593333
note:the data of middle rice before 2004 include one crop late rice,that of late rice include two crops.