8-1  农村基层基本情况(2007年)
basic rural units,2007
    item 2007
乡(镇)政府(个) township and town governments (unit)   929
  乡政府(个)           township governments (unit)     338
  镇政府(个)           town governments (unit)      591
村民委员会(个)    villagers’ committees (unit)       14420
乡村户数 (万户)        number of rural households (10000 units)    681.08
乡村人口(万人)         population of rural households (10000 persons)    2647.45
乡村劳动力(万人)       number of rural labores (10000 persons)   1499.96
自来水受益村数(个)   number of villages which have running water (unit)    10700
通汽车村数(个)    number of villages where cars can arrived (unit)      14270
通电话村数(个)     number of villages where telephone can  used (unit)     14397