7-15  保险公司业务经济技术指标(2007年)
economic and technical indicators of insurance companies,2007
单位:万元       (10000 yuan)
   item 保险金额     赔款及给付
    claim and
amount insured premium payment
财产保险公司合计     property insurance companies 333315432 694398 370239
#财产保险   property insurance 192922864 621833 334745
    企业财产险           enterprise property insurance 75057178 54845 38562
    家庭财产险           family property insurance 4228756 4530 521
    机动车辆险           motor vehicle insurance 60013325 499652 273464
    船舶险               ship insurance 13475283 19891 8203
    货物运输险           freight transport insurance 29144349 22010 10848
    特殊风险保险         special risk insurance 2634590 4051 138
    建筑、安装工程       construction and installation projects 8369383 16854 3009
  责任险             liability insurance 63850359 23725 11971
  信用险         credit insurance 1660624 12067 2854
  保证保险           guarantee insurance 1618389 2708 1403
  农业险             agriculture insurance 4289840 5360 2314
  其他   others 1223 10  
人寿保险公司合计     life insurance companies 261833048 1479193 318885
  寿险  life insurance 22221777 1294272 269897
    个人业务   ondividual 21673905 1216146 258598
    团体业务   team 547872 78126 11300
  健康险           health insurance 44088585 146111 37100
  人身意外伤害险    unforeseen human insurance 195522686 38810 11887