7-5  财政一般预算支出(2007年)
general budgetary expenditure of local government,2007
单位:万元   (10,000 yuan)
    item 2007
支出合计 total expenditure 9106446
一、一般公共服务 expenditure for general public service 1619087
二、外交 expenditure for foreign affairs  
三、国防 expenditure for national defense 32004
四、公共安全 expenditure for public safety 765591
五、教育 expenditure for operating expense of education 1836550
六、科学技术 expenditure for operating expense of department of science 212670
七、文化体育与传媒 expenditure for operating expense of culture , sport broadcasting
八、社会保障和就业 expenditure for operating expense of social welfare and employment 905712
九、医疗卫生 expenditure for public health 519887
十、环境保护 expenditure for enviromental protection 87563
十一、城乡社区事务 expenditure for neithbourhood service centre of urbam and rural 615597
十二、农林水事务 expenditure for agriculture , foresty and water conservancy 614904
十三、交通运输 expenditure for transportation 266274
十四、工业商业金融等事务 expenditure for industry  trade and finance 605311
十五、其他支出 other expenditure 842355