5-25  平均每百户农民家庭主要耐用消费品拥有量
ownership of major durable consumer goods per 100 rural households
  item 2000 2005 2006 2007
自行车(辆) bicycle(unit) 101.15 68.13 62.64 60.27
电风扇(台) electric fan(unit) 173.46 194.34 202.69   
洗衣机(台) washing machine(unit) 35.55 46.21 49.89 56.32
电冰箱(台) refrigerator(unit) 19.4 38.13 45.93 50.77
摩托车(辆) motorcycle(unit) 49.67 75.22 80.82 84.67
黑白电视(台) white-bread tv(unit) 42.09 13.85 8.96 4.62
彩色电视(台) color tv(unit) 73.02 109.67 114.84 115
照相机(架) camera(unit) 6.15 5.49 5.11 5.22
抽油烟机(台) smoke absorber(unit) 3.96 9.62 12.03 15.05
空调机(台) air conditioner(unit) 1.65 10.99 14.56 19.89
录放像机(台) video-recorder(unit) 7.36 3.96 4.01   
热水器(台) shower(unit) 19.29 41.37 45.44 50.38
微波炉(台) oven(unit) 2.69 14.07 17.31 19.62
电话机(部) telephone(unit) 41.85 94.18 91.7 87.64
移动电话(部) mobile telephone(unit) 20.16 103.41 131.7 146.26
寻呼机(部) beep-pager(unit) 27.86 0.55 0.11   
组合音响(台) hi-fi stereo(unit) 15.77 20.22 22.53   
摄像机(台) pickup camera(unit) 0.33 1.04 0.93 1.04
中高档乐器(件) medium and high grade musical instrument(unit) 1.32 0.49 0.27 0.88