5-21  农民人均工资性收入
rewards of rural workers 
单位:元       (yuan)
         item 2005 2006 2007
工资性收入 wages income 1650.65 1855.53 2099.92
  在非企业组织中劳动得到收入   income from non-enterprise organizations 288.37 305.68 337.32
  在本乡地域内劳动得到收入   income from local 930.10 1056.87 1203.98
    在企业中劳动得到收入     income from enterprises 499.07 607.19 680.93
    在国家投资基建项目得到收入     income from the national invetsment projects 2.66 2.78 3.03
    提供其他劳务收入     income from other servises 428.37 446.90 520.01
  外出从业得到收入   income from worked outside 432.18 492.98 558.62
    在乡外县内从业得到收入     income from worked at other township of county 140.30 147.33 155.25
    在县外省内从业得到收入     income from worked at other county of province 169.51 201.30 225.81
    在省外国内从业得到收入     income from worked at other  province 103.83 122.23 151.51
    在国外从业得到收入     income from worked at aborad 18.54 22.12 26.06