5-14  城镇居民人均消费支出(2005-2007年)
per capita consumption in urban areas,2005-2007
单位 :元       (yuan)
    item 2005 2006 2007
消费支出 total consumption expenditures 8794.41 9807.71 11055.13
 #服务性消费支出   expenditure on services consumption 2303.34 2649.55 2910.04
一、食品 food 3595.20 3854.26 4296.22
  1.粮油类   grain and oil 463.66 467.81 540.19
    #粮食     grain 306.77 312.79 349.43
      油脂类     oil and fats 88.81 88.46 119.27
  2.肉禽蛋水产品类   meat, poulty, eggs and aquatic products 1498.40 1519.14 1799.42
    #肉类     meat 587.85 583.44 700.50
      禽类     poultry 206.32 189.36 259.47
      蛋类     eggs 80.78 76.01 92.12
      水产品类     aquatic products 623.46 670.33 747.33
  3.蔬菜类   vegetables 335.00 352.93 390.12
    #鲜菜     fresh vegetables 286.57 299.97 329.51
  4.调味品   flavoring 45.09 47.41 52.08
  5.糖烟酒饮料类   suger, cigarette, liquor  and tea 291.91 334.33 362.99
    #烟草类     cigarettes 129.19 146.56 161.42
      酒类     liquor 65.11 75.57 73.55
      饮料     drink 73.26 81.58 98.67
  6.干鲜瓜果类   dried and fresh melons & fruits 228.64 262.93 277.33
  7.糕点、奶及奶制品   cakes,milk and dairy products 208.89 218.24 228.37
  8.其他食品   other food 48.83 53.14 39.80
  9.饮食服务   catering services 474.78 598.33 605.93
    #在外饮食     dining out 474.35 597.75 604.08
二、衣着 clothing 708.79 784.71 940.72
  1.服装   garments 549.83 605.53 721.20
  2.衣着材料   clothing materials 3.30 2.94 4.07
  3.鞋类   shoes 132.38 153.30 192.36
  4.其他衣着用品   other clothing 20.01 19.19 19.70
  5.衣着加工服务费   tailoring and laundering service fees 3.28 3.74 3.39
三、家庭设备用品及服务 household facilities, articles and services 455.36 525.65 645.40
    #耐用消费品   durable consumer goods 203.70 253.84 308.97
      #家具     furniture 39.04 90.20 83.59
        家庭设备     household facilities 164.65 163.65 60.93
      家庭服务     household services 53.78 51.36 47.69
四、医疗保健 medicine and medical services 478.41 513.61 502.41
五、交通和通讯 transport, post and communication services 1048.71 1232.70 1606.90
  1.交通   transport 384.29 523.85 837.87
    #交通费     transport fees 153.51 166.19 194.10
  2.通信   communication 664.42 708.85 769.02
    #通信服务     conmunication services fees 567.58 612.44 665.42
      #电信费       telecommunication fees 561.70 606.00 660.59
六、教育文化娱乐服务 education, recreation and cultural services 1106.95 1321.33 1426.34
  1.文化娱乐用品   recreational articles 319.35 370.62 370.38
    #彩色电视机     color television set 47.56 73.65 87.28
      家用电脑     personal computers 99.44 126.28 129.77
      书报杂志     books, newspapers and magazines 40.52 40.08 37.07
  2.文化娱乐服务   recreation and cultural services 256.20 317.84 427.20
    #参观游览     tourism 19.11 17.79 30.37
      团体旅游     group tourism 174.60 230.14 325.92
      文娱用品修理服务费     repair services fees of recreation and cultural articles 6.81 8.78 7.18
  3.教育   education 531.40 632.87 628.76
      教材     teaching material 36.48 45.12 32.68
      教育费用     education fees 494.92 587.76 596.08
      #非义务教育学杂费       non-compulsory education tuition fee 189.50 245.62 287.32
        义务教育学杂费       compulsory education tuition fee 54.00 53.72 51.85
        托幼费       child care cost 38.53 47.11 40.94
七、居住 residence 1071.86 1233.49 1261.18
  1.住房   housing 386.22 480.84 454.59
    #租赁房房租     rent of housing 55.26 54.68 64.28
  2.水电燃料及其他   water, electricity, fuels and others 648.39 700.32 750.86
    #水     water 97.17 107.35 112.61
          electricity 339.54 382.23 418.72
      燃料     fuel 202.64 203.17 213.88
  3.居住服务费   residential services 37.25 52.33 55.73
八、杂项商品和服务 miscellaneous commodities and services 329.11 341.96 375.98
  1.杂项商品   miscellaneous commodities 181.24 183.84 211.87
    #金银珠宝饰品     jewellery 28.53 28.92 40.53
      理发美容用具     haircut and goods 1.67 2.51 2.42
      化妆品     cosmetics 59.55 61.74 66.73
  2.服务   services 147.87 158.12 164.11
    #理发洗澡费     haircut and bath 55.77 62.36 72.50
      美容费     cosmetic fees 43.25 48.90 53.98