4-18  农村固定资产投资额
investment in fixed assets in rural areas
单位:万元     (10000 yuan)
     item 2006 2007
            total  3499618 4587352
 #住宅           residental buildings 736037 923411
按经济类型分       by type of ownership    
  非农户           collective owned 2333331 3236629
  农户         rural households 1166287 1350723
按用途分           by use of  funds    
  农、林、牧、渔业   farming, forestry, animal husbandy and fishery 451877 550394
  采矿业   mining and quarrying 216180 309234
  制造业   manufacturing 1097385 1398252
  电力、燃气及水的生产和供应业   production and supply of electricity gas and water 181324 161050
  建筑业   construction 233092 181584
  交通运输、仓储和邮政业   transport, storage and post services 270970 440586
  信息传输、计算机服务和软件业   information transmission, computer software and services 13380 16216
  批发和零售业   wholesale and retail trade 48852 67158
  住宿和餐饮业   lodgings and catering services 32198 41663
  金融业   finance   49
  房地产业   real estate 581818 767598
  租赁和商务服务业   rent and business services 6684 4871
  科学研究、技术服务和地质勘查业   scientific reseach, ploytechnic services and geological prospecting 13026 15511
  水利、环境和公共设施管理业   water conservancy, environment and public facilities management 96849 230785
  居民服务和其他服务业   resident services and others 38186 41080
  教育   education 49288 48187
  卫生、社会保障和社会福利业   health care, social ensure and walfare 6780 31572
  文化、体育和娱乐业   culture, sports and entertainment 19948 25455
  公共管理和社会组织   public management and social organizations 141781 256105
  国际组织   international organzition    
注:本表国民经济行业分类标准采用gb/t 4754-2002。    
note:the classified standards of national ecomonic sector are adopted gb/t 4754-2002.