4-14  房地产开发施工、竣工和销售情况(2007年)
condition of real estate development construction,completed and sale,2007
项目 item                
          办公楼 商业营业 其他
    #90平方米 #  #别墅高档        
total      适用房    office house for  
  residential floor space  economical villas,high-grade      
  buildings under 90 sq.m house apartments buildings business used others
房屋施工面积(万平方米) floor space under construction (10000sq.m) 9651.58 7504.40 1650.32 272.62 528.55 282.33 854.71 1010.13
 #新开工面积  new building 3927.10 3153.25 922.37 157.70 223.11 54.53 314.77 404.54
房屋竣工面积(万平方米) floor space of completed (10000sq.m) 1711.33 1344.42 179.14 70.38 89.66 55.49 163.30 148.12
商品住宅竣工套数(万套) set of completed buildings (10000 set)   11.10 2.65 0.59 0.33      
竣工房屋价值(亿元) value of completed  buildings(100 million yuan) 236.53 184.51 25.81 7.34 15.18 6.98 25.52 19.52
出租房屋面积(万平方米) floor space of houses leased(10000 sq.m) 238.43 4.70 0.35     15.38 70.16 148.18
商品房销售面积(万平方米) floor space sold (10001 sq.m) 2421.97 2096.39 314.14 81.62 149.21 80.19 155.38 90.00
 #现房销售面积  buildings now availabal 396.79 282.39 28.80 53.12 34.21 21.76 59.30 33.33
  期房销售面积  forward buildings 2025.18 1814.00 285.34 28.50 115.00 58.43 96.08 56.67
商品房销售额(亿元) value of house sold (100 million yuan) 1134.53 938.33 141.07 13.63 129.74 37.96 131.74 26.49
 #现房销售额  buildings now availabal 149.90 85.59 9.50 6.05 22.13 10.49 46.12 7.70
  期房销售额  forward buildings 984.63 852.74 131.57 7.58 107.61 27.48 85.62 18.79
商品住宅销售套数(万套)  set of commercial residential buildings sold    18.17 4.78 0.74 0.72      
          (10000 set)                
年(月)末空置面积 floor space of buildings no sold 280.65 69.96 9.03 1.91 8.39 21.98 148.89 39.83
 #空置1-3年(含1年)  one-three years 136.53 34.33 6.89 0.04 5.64 8.13 72.03 22.05
  空置3年以上(含3年)  over three years 50.71 9.42 0.82   1.49 5.61 28.34 7.35