4-11 城镇项目新增主要生产能力(2007年)
construction size of main production capacity in urban areas (2007)
项目 item 建设规模 本年施   累计新增  
工规模 本年新开工 生产能力 本年新增
total under started accumulated newly
construction construction this year newly increased
size this year   increased this year
  原煤开采(万吨/年) coal mining                        (10 000 tons/year) 200 200 36 18 18
  焦炭(万吨/年) coke                                   (10 000 tons/year) 100 100 100    
  天然原油开采(万吨/年) petroleum extraction         (10 000 tons/year)          
  天然气开采(亿立方米/) extraction of petroleum and natural gas          
                                             (10 000 cu.m/year)          
  铁矿石原矿开采(万吨/年) iron ore mining                  (10 000 tons/year) 50 50 10 30  
  生铁(万吨/年) pig iron                              (10 000 tons/year) 49.25 49.25 49.25 49.25 49.25
  粗钢(万吨/年) steel-making                       (10 000 tons/year) 105 105 80 105 105
  铁合金(万吨/年) iron alloy                          (10 000 tons/year) 50.01 50.01 50.01 50.01 50.01
  铜采矿(原矿)(万吨/年) copper ore mining             (10 000 tons/year) 12.62 12.62 10.02 2.02 2.02
  copper ore dressing          
  铜选矿:处理原矿(万吨/年)    crude ore dressing         (10 000 tons/year) 2 2 2 2 2
  铜选矿:铜含量(吨/年)    copper content                            (ton/year)          
  铜冶炼(吨/年) copper smelting                             (ton/year) 206000 206000      
    电解铜(吨/年)    electrolytic copper                     (ton/year)          
  铅锌采矿(原矿)(万吨/年) plumbum/zinc ore mining (10 000 tons/year) 77.2 77.2 21 53.2 53.2
  plumbum and zinc ore dressing          
  铅锌选矿:处理原矿(万吨/年)     crude ore dressing        (10 000 tons/year) 33 33   20 20
  铅锌选矿:铅含量(吨/年)     plumbum content                       (ton/year)          
  铅锌选矿:锌含量(吨/年)     zinc content                               (ton/year)          
  铅冶炼(吨/年) plumbum smelting                           (ton/year) 59000 59000   55000 55000
    电解铅(吨/年)     electrolytic plumbum                  (ton/year) 59000 59000   55000 55000
  锌冶炼(吨/年) zinc smelting                                   (ton/year) 12000 12000 12000    
    电解锌(吨/年)    electrolytic zinc                          (ton/year) 10000 10000 10000    
  氧化铝(吨/年) aluminium oxide                             (ton/year) 20000 20000      
  电解铝(吨/年) electrolytic aluminium                   (ton/year)          
  水力发电(万千瓦) hydraulic power                          (10 000 kw) 340.29 310.3 10.1 96.36 54.21
  火力发电(万千瓦) fire power                                    (10 000 kw) 1506.22 966.22 60 626.2 236.2
  核能发电(万千瓦) nuclear energy source                 (10 000 kw) 400 400      
  其他发电(万千瓦) other power                                 (10 000 kw) 24.13 22.33 19.93 14.53 14.53
  水泥(万吨/年) cement                               (10 000 tons/year) 4209 3353 1853 1328 1228
  平板玻璃(万重量箱/) plate glass              (10 000 weight-box/year) 814 814 814    
  硫酸(吨/年) sulphuric acid                                 (ton/year) 80000 80000 20000 20000 20000
  烧碱(吨/年) caustic soda                                    (ton/year)          
  纯碱(吨/年) soda ash                                          (ton/year)          
  电石(吨/年) calcium carbide                             (ton/year)          
  合成氨(吨/年) synthetic ammonia                       (ton/year) 35000 35000 10000 25000 25000
    氮肥(吨/年) nitrogen fertilizers                             (ton/year) 36200 35450 10000 25450 25450
    磷肥(吨/年) phosphate fertilizer                            (ton/year)          
    钾肥(吨/年) potash fertilizer                                  (ton/year)          
  乙 烯(吨/年) ethylene                                              (ton/year) 80 80      
  塑料树脂及共聚物(吨/年) plastic colophony and polymer          (ton/year) 259486.1 209486.1 105302.1 2500 2500
  轮胎外胎(万条/年) tire (cover)                         (10 000 units/year) 1164.25 536.25 0.25 984 356
  轮胎内胎(万条/年) inner tube                            (10 000 units/year) 43 43      
  载货汽车制造(辆/年) trucks                                                (unit/year) 23000 19500 11500 4432 1872
  客车制造(辆/年) passenger motor vehicles                 (unit/year) 121000 91000 45000    
  轿车制造(辆/年) cars                                                    (unit/year)          
  其它汽车制造(辆/年) other motor vehicles                        (unit/year) 5086 4886 4886 4686 4686
  电视机(万部/年) television sets                      (10 000 units/year) 20 20 20    
  化学纤维(吨/年) chemical fibre                                   (ton/year) 5335993 1565993 813678 165178 125178
  棉纺锭(锭) cotton spindles                                         (unit) 1261340 1110540 530040 589100 333300
  毛纺锭(锭) wool spindles                                            (unit) 5000 5000      
  啤酒(万吨/年) beer                                        (10 000 tons/year) 108.1 22.9 20.8 104.1 19.1
  白酒(万吨/年) distilled spirit                       (10 000 tons/year) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
  其他酒(万吨/年) other alcohols                       (10 000 tons/year) 3.71 3.71 3.42 3.33 3.33
  卷烟(箱/年) cigarettes                                           (box/year) 70 70 70 70 70
  机制纸(万吨/年) machine-made paper             (10 000 tons/year) 100.35 100.35 46.85 67.85 67.85
  机制纸板(万吨/年) machine-made paperboard    (10 000 tons/year) 9.7 9.7 3 0.7 0.7
  家用电冰箱(万台/年) household refrigerator         (10 000 unit/year)          
  家用洗衣机(万台/年) household washing machine (10 000 unit/year)          
  新建铁路主线正线交付运营 length of newly-built and 384.3     273  
      里程(公里)   operating railway                                    (km)          
  新建公路(公里) length of new highways                           (km) 2552.13 1387.22 697.41 1968.5 952.5
  改建公路(公里) length of reconstructed highways            (km) 5590.27 4564.97 3562.05 3963.26 2466.2
  新(扩)建港口码头 newly-built or expanded ports          
      年吞吐量(万吨)    annual handling capacity (10 000 tons/year) 7102.8 6134.1 2166.8 1254.3 645.3
      泊位(个)    berths                                                      (unit) 85 84 27 14 11
  高等院校:学生席位(个) students capacity of universities 534798 452623 199982 213492 126735
    and colleges                                            (unit)          
  医院病床(张) number of hospital beds                          (unit) 13757 13137 3567 1927 1912
  城市自来水供水能力(万吨/日) tap water supply capacity    (10 000 tons/day) 137.18 136.18 43.7 9.1 8.1