3-2  主要年份户籍统计人口构成
composition of population in selected years
单位:%       (%)
  按性别分 按户口性质分
  by sex by agriculture
  农业 非农业
year male female agriculture non-agriculture
1952 51.15 48.85 88.52 11.48
1957 51.81 48.19 85.13 14.87
1962 51.73 48.27 82.50 17.50
1965 51.76 48.24 83.67 16.33
1970 51.69 48.31 85.93 14.07
1975 51.65 48.35 86.27 13.73
1978 51.73 48.27 86.30 13.70
1979 51.56 48.44 85.73 14.27
1980 51.55 48.45 85.44 14.56
1981 51.56 48.44 85.10 14.90
1982 51.56 48.44 84.94 15.06
1983 51.60 48.40 84.74 15.26
1984 51.62 48.38 84.22 15.78
1985 51.65 48.35 83.52 16.48
1986 51.69 48.31 83.45 16.55
1987 51.68 48.32 83.35 16.65
1988 51.67 48.33 83.25 16.75
1989 51.69 48.31 83.01 16.99
1990 51.36 48.64 83.32 16.68
1991 51.59 48.41 83.21 16.79
1992 51.60 48.40 82.86 17.14
1993 51.61 48.39 81.91 18.09
1994 51.63 48.37 81.45 18.05
1995 51.64 48.36 81.34 18.66
1996 51.66 48.34 80.84 19.16
1997 51.65 48.35 80.56 19.44
1998 51.64 48.36 80.15 19.85
1999 51.60 48.40 79.69 20.31
2000 51.53 48.47 79.39 20.61
2001 51.51 48.49 78.90 21.10
2002 51.50 48.50 66.54 33.46
2003 51.53 48.47 73.76 26.24
2004 51.51 48.49 69.06 30.94
2005 50.41 49.59 68.63 31.37
2006 51.50 48.50 67.90 32.10
2007 50.54 49.46 67.20 32.80
note:from 2002,annual report of population statistics cancles statistics on households by kind as agriculture and non-agriculture. it is changed as 
statistic on urban and rural population of permanent residents.