2-10  地区生产总值项目结构
structure of gross domestic product
单位:亿元         (100 million yuan)
      item 2000 2004 2005 2006 2007
劳动者报酬                 compensation of employees 1824.79 2539.45 2890.90 3313.51 3919.32
  第一产业                   primary industry 550.52 744.79 800.29 858.10 993.96
  第二产业                   secondary industry 635.86 1020.25 1211.38 1427.15 1687.22
  #工业                       industry 511.27 837.20 1010.50 1179.41 1380.72
  第三产业                   tertiary industy 638.41 774.41 879.23 1028.26 1238.14
  #交通运输、仓储和邮政业     transport,storage,post and 154.70 133.08 132.17 153.26 183.92
           telecommunication services          
    批发和零售业     wholesale and retail trade  173.17 121.56 103.94 136.06 158.86
生产税净额                 net taxes on production 371.62 780.60 866.05 1006.47 1279.15
  第一产业                   primary industry 20.10 16.16 13.38 2.66 2.94
  第二产业                   secondary industry 213.86 489.85 546.44 632.59 780.24
  #工业                       industry 185.40 447.59 532.22 577.93 712.81
  第三产业                   tertiary industy 137.67 274.59 306.23 371.22 495.97
  #交通运输、仓储和邮政业     transport,storage,post and 35.24 59.67 59.70 68.60 83.59
           telecommunication services          
    批发和零售业     wholesale and retail trade  63.09 136.71 129.48 141.05 185.56
固定资产折旧               depreciation of fixed assets 491.48 704.03 919.33 1001.94 1097.12
  第一产业                   primary industry 18.07 25.89 27.53 5.21 5.21
  第二产业                   secondary industry 204.18 289.74 439.46 476.92 507.90
  #工业                       industry 185.07 276.56 394.55 459.65 486.62
  第三产业                   tertiary industy 269.23 388.40 452.34 519.81 584.01
  #交通运输、仓储和邮政业     transport,storage,post and 85.46 125.07 68.59 80.02 94.97
           telecommunication services          
    批发和零售业     wholesale and retail trade  30.80 24.02 23.36 30.32 33.26
营业盈余                   operating surplus 1076.64 1739.27 1892.65 2262.43 2953.54
  第一产业                   primary industry 51.88        
  第二产业                   secondary industry 574.56 970.65 1002.98 1207.05 1574.06
  #工业                     industry 540.60 877.27 905.16 1094.60 1438.27
  第三产业                   tertiary industy 450.21 768.62 889.67 1055.38 1379.48
  #交通运输、仓储和邮政业     transport,storage,post and 135.27 219.59 194.72 235.23 287.77
           telecommunication services          
    批发和零售业     wholesale and retail trade  132.04 313.06 327.85 360.36 431.47
注:2005年及以后年份行业分类为按新国民经济行业分类(gb/t 4754-2002)划分。      
note: the classifived standards of national ecomonic sector in 2005 and follow years are adopted gb/t 4754-2002.