2-7  主要年份地区生产总值构成
composition of gdp in selected years
(gdp=100)                   (gdp=100)
年份 第一产业 第二产业   第三产业   年份 第一产业 第二产业   第三产业
#工业   #工业
  primary secondary   tertiary     primary secondary   tertiary
year industry industry industry industy   year industry industry industry industy
1952 65.9 19.0 17.0 15.1   1990 28.1 33.4 28.8 38.4
1957 55.9 23.6 19.2 20.5   1991 27.2 35.1 30.4 37.7
1962 46.4 23.1 18.1 30.5   1992 24.8 37.2 30.8 38.0
1965 46.8 28.8 22.7 24.4   1993 22.8 40.9 34.3 36.3
1970 44.2 30.7 24.7 25.1   1994 22.1 43.8 37.6 34.1
1975 41.8 38.3 30.7 19.9   1995 22.2 42.1 35.7 35.7
1978 36.0 42.5 35.9 21.5   1996 21.6 41.3 35.2 37.1
1979 37.8 42.3 35.4 19.9   1997 20.1 42.3 36.2 37.6
1980 36.7 41.0 33.9 22.3   1998 19.3 42.3 35.8 38.4
1981 37.2 37.6 31.4 25.2   1999 18.4 42.0 36.0 39.6
1982 37.6 36.4 29.9 26.0   2000 17.0 43.3 37.8 39.7
1983 37.0 36.0 29.6 27.0   2001 16.0 44.3 39.0 39.7
1984 35.5 35.9 28.3 28.6   2002 14.9 45.6 40.5 39.5
1985 34.0 36.2 31.0 29.8   2003 13.9 47.0 41.4 39.1
1986 32.5 36.9 30.1 30.6   2004 13.7 48.1 42.3 38.3
1987 31.9 36.3 29.6 31.8   2005 12.8 48.7 43.3 38.5
1988 30.8 37.0 31.4 32.2   2006 11.4 49.4 43.7 39.2
1989 29.6 35.7 31.1 34.7   2007 10.8 49.2 43.4 40.0
note:the value-added of primary industry before 2004 exclude services of farming , forestry , animal , husbandry and fishery.