2-4  主要年份地区生产总值
gross domestic products in selected years
单位:亿元             (100 million yuan)
  地区生产               人均gdp
      第一产业 第二产业   建筑业 第三产业 #交通运输、 #批发和 (元)
          仓储和邮政业 零售业  
  gross primary secondary     tertiary transport, wholesale per capita
  domestic           storage and and gdp
year product industry industry industry construction industy post retail trade (yuan)
1950 9.54 7.06 1.27 1.09 0.18 1.21 0.11 0.44 79
1952 12.73 8.39 2.42 2.17 0.25 1.92 0.27 1.00 102
1957 22.03 12.31 5.20 4.23 0.97 4.52 0.64 2.21 154
1962 22.12 10.26 5.12 4.00 1.12 6.74 0.88 2.29 137
1965 28.81 13.48 8.31 6.55 1.76 7.02 1.10 1.57 166
1970 34.70 15.34 10.64 8.56 2.08 8.72 1.47 2.23 173
1975 46.48 19.43 17.81 14.29 3.52 9.24 1.85 1.15 203
1978 66.37 23.93 28.19 23.85 4.34 14.25 3.35 3.47 273
1979 74.11 27.97 31.37 26.20 5.17 14.77 3.32 3.29 300
1980 87.06 31.95 35.68 29.55 6.13 19.43 4.40 5.08 348
1981 105.62 39.30 39.75 33.16 6.59 26.57 6.01 7.01 416
1982 117.81 44.24 42.92 35.25 7.67 30.65 6.85 8.12 457
1983 127.76 47.27 46.05 37.76 8.29 34.44 7.29 9.38 487
1984 157.06 55.72 56.39 44.47 11.92 44.95 9.69 11.82 591
1985 200.48 68.13 72.56 62.09 10.47 59.79 12.35 15.17 737
1986 222.54 72.24 82.19 67.06 15.13 68.11 14.54 16.53 809
1987 279.24 89.24 101.28 82.69 18.59 88.72 19.37 23.14 999
1988 383.21 118.16 141.82 120.45 21.37 123.23 32.50 40.58 1349
1989 458.40 135.77 163.82 142.45 21.37 158.81 42.60 41.31 1589
1990 522.28 147.01 174.47 150.55 23.92 200.80 48.56 49.53 1763
1991 619.87 168.64 217.74 188.29 29.45 233.49 55.05 60.46 2041
1992 784.68 194.87 291.60 241.78 49.82 298.21 70.51 79.64 2557
1993 1114.20 254.36 455.79 381.95 73.84 404.05 99.48 115.99 3556
1994 1644.39 362.90 720.97 618.06 102.91 560.52 134.95 146.90 5193
1995 2094.90 464.82 882.34 748.92 133.42 747.74 189.55 203.09 6526
1996 2484.25 537.38 1026.64 875.50 151.14 920.23 235.07 257.03 7646
1997 2870.90 576.63 1214.81 1039.62 175.19 1079.46 283.44 306.22 8775
1998 3159.91 610.04 1335.05 1132.79 202.26 1214.82 326.63 341.19 9603
1999 3414.19 628.86 1434.30 1230.22 204.08 1351.03 366.27 364.97 10323
2000 3764.54 640.57 1628.45 1422.34 206.11 1495.52 410.66 399.11 11194
2001 4072.85 651.11 1803.50 1586.48 217.02 1618.24 428.87 429.56 11892
2002 4467.55 664.78 2036.97 1808.95 228.02 1765.80 445.06 465.91 12938
2003 4983.67 692.94 2340.82 2061.31 279.51 1949.91 478.84 520.56 14333
2004 5763.35 786.84 2770.49 2438.62 331.87 2206.02 537.41 595.35 16469
2005 6568.93 841.20 3200.26 2842.43 357.83 2527.47 455.18 584.63 18646
2006 7584.36 865.98 3743.71 3311.59 432.12 2974.67 537.11 667.79 21385
2007 9249.13 1002.11 4549.42 4018.42 531.00 3697.60 650.25 809.15 25908
注:2005年及以后年份行业分类为按新国民经济行业分类(gb/t 4754-2002)划分。      
note: the classifived standards of national ecomonic sector in 2005 and follow years are adopted gb/t 4754-2002.