1-7  平均每天主要社会经济活动      
selected indicators of average daily social and economic activities      
项目 item 1952     1978 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2004 2005 2006 2007
1.地区生产总值(万元) gross domestic product (10000 yuan)   349     1818 2385 5493 14309 57395 103138 157900 179971 207791 253401
2.工业总产值(万元) gross output value of industry (10000 yuan) 115     1730 2232 4743 14561 72288 109448 234096 273860 324813 395207
3.财政总收入(万元) total budgetary revenue (10000 yuan)  60     415 420 687 1563 5057 10128 17057 21592 27747 35146
  财政支出(万元) expenditures of local government (10000 yuan) 34     415 412 839 1875 4701 8882 14156 16248 19964 24949
4.主要工农业产品产量 output of major industry and farm products                          
  原煤(吨) coal (ton) 8     11590 12685 16617 25353 31073 10275 29481 36486 48197 54568
  原盐(吨) salt (ton) 290     2594 2840 1940 1841 1980 777 1260 945 853 915
  发电量(万千瓦时) electricity (10000 kwh) 3     1115 1355 2115 3744 7166 11061 18072 21322 24774 28446
  钢(吨) steel (ton)       443 662 870 1415 1520 3423 8745 10475 12753 16121
  钢材(吨) rolled-steel (ton)       379 550 721 1542 2502 7775 15573 20162 23084 28668
  生铁(吨) pig iron (ton)       728 878 1041 1715 2290 4092 8383 10793 11553 12927
  水泥(吨) cement (ton)       3300 4255 7964 14796 41402 41470 61516 74346 91615 121909
  平板玻璃(重量箱) plate glass (weigh case)       1194 2190 2885 1810 8285 13147 14699 17576 50064 51154
  布(万米) cloth (10000 m) 3     31 35 42 62 106 153 295 552 534 664
  纱(吨) yarm (ton)       50 65 118 150 221 393 1492 1863 2734 3009
  服装(件) dress (pcs)           30712 304575 485205 1092521 2111571 2233957 2760767 3568658
  机制纸及纸板(吨) machine-made paper and paperboards (ton) 3     550 632 1009 1427 2858 2331 4544 5126 5293 6516
  农用化肥(吨) chemical fertilizer (ton)         449 666 901 1196 1398 1682 1651 1651 1774 1725
  烧碱(吨) caustic soda (ton)       118 155 176 238 325 428 682 699 579 542
  电视机(台) television (unit)       6 86 1615 3713 4089 7545 8484 10879 14337 14308
  糖(吨) sugar (ton) 131     792 1021 1313 895 477 167 166 171 106 147
  卷烟(箱) cigarettes (ton)  25     558 633 1268 2093 2229 2702 3140 3315 3507 3892
  罐头(吨) canned food (ton)       112 177 365 395 1250 734 1735 2153 2453 3042
  粮食(吨) grain (ton)  10192     20408 21970 21764 24100 25204 23416 19143 18121 17340 17399
  油料(吨) oil-beaning crops (ton) 271     378 369 476 484 638 707 762 751 647 638
  甘蔗(吨) suger cane (ton)  1952     7891 9622 14703 9432 6811 2266 2783 2557 1592 1544
  茶叶(吨) tea (ton) 13     56 71 111 159 259 345 450 506 548 613
  水果(吨) fruits (ton) 165     277 319 806 2076 6557 9765 12847 13133 13573 14172
  猪牛羊肉(吨) pork,beef and mutton (ton) 5     665 663 1210 1689 2248 3239 4063 4324 3774 3435
  水产品(吨) aquatic products (ton)  436     1492 1638 2747 3989 8700 14463 16198 16499 14345 14575
  食用菌(吨) sort (ton)              500 1048 1267 1425 1523 1609 1770
5.社会消费品零售总额(万元) total retail sales of consumer goods (10000 yuan)  152     837 1246 2631 5692 17684 36186 56494 64269 74089 87338
6.进出口总额(万美元) total exports and imports (usd 10000)           247 1189 3958 5815 13021 14907 17167 20397
  出口额(万美元) exports (usd 10000)           153 671 2167 3536 8053 9546 11305 13682
  进口额(万美元) imports (usd 10000)           94 518 1791 2278 4968 5361 5862 6715
7.其他经济活动 others                           
  旅客运输量(万人) passenge traffic (10000 person) 0.69     21.72 45.69 93.11 108.21 109.81 121.10 147.81 152.37 162.65 176.01
  货物运输量(万吨) freight traffic (10000 ton)       13.32 21.86 36.48 55.67 79.24 80.78 102.13 110.68 121.38 138.36
  主要港口货物吞吐量(万吨) volume of freight handled in major ports (10000 ton) 0.16     1.12 1.88 3.05 4.10 9.48 19.02 43.38 53.71 64.90 64.67
  邮电业务总量(万元) total business revenue (10000 yuan)  4     28 33 57 201 1445 6749 11692 14240 17344 21583
  邮寄函件(万件) letters delivered (10000 pcs)  4.88     24.08 31.53 41.75 44.46 86.49 66.20 71.93 62.68 83.46 69.71
  长途电话(万次) long-term telephone (10000 time)        1.45 1.68 3.40 12.64 104.84 226.88 303.09 347.42 682.37 295.02
  固定资产投资(万元) investment in fixed assets (10000 yuan)  17     366 501 1524 3162 18662 29657 52030 64239 85345 118404
  住宅竣工面积(万平方米) floor space completed of residential buildings (10000sq.m)       0.19 0.48 3.91 6.68 10.10 9.41 10.74 10.97 10.93 13.38
  出版图书(万册) books published (10000 volume)        18.68 22.59 42.75 44.69 50.54 55.61 38.10 29.16 26.95 23.19
  出版杂志(万册) magazines issued (10000 volume)        1.06 2.63 9.25 8.65 11.61 12.23 9.45 7.78 7.95 7.86
  出版报纸(万份) newspaper issued (10000 copies) 5.25     40.50 40.86 98.21 113.58 141.17 188.76 245.70 240.99 266.43 273.52
note:value in this table is calculated at prices of current year.