16-1  设区市基本情况(2006年)  
basic statistics of cities, 2006  
     item 福州市 厦门市 莆田市 三明市 泉州市 漳州市 南平市 龙岩市 宁德市
fuzhou xiamen putian sanming quanzhou zhangzhou nanping longyan ningde
一、人口、劳动力及土地面积 population ,labor and area of land                  
  (一)人口 population                  
    年末总人口(万人)   total population at the year end(10000 person) 181.72 160.38 205.43 28.25 101.65 53.89 48.75 47.02 42.77
    年平均人口(万人)   average annual population(10000 person) 178.92 156.8 204.11 28.34 101.09 53.63 48.76 46.88 42.36
    暂住人口(一个月以上)(万人)   number of temporary residents(10000 person) 45.16 86.29 11.22 6.98 24.22 3.55 1.5 4.66 0.92
    年出生人口(人)   annual birth(person) 14419 17814 23489 2410 10466 5041 4308 4500 3745
    年死亡人口(人)   annual death(person) 7124 6018 6000 754 4196 2080 1909 2100 775
    年末总户数(万户)   number of households at the year-end(10000 unit) 56.13 49.76 49.42 9.07 26.51 16.22 14.02 14.36 13.86
  (二)从业人员 employment                  
    年末单位从业人员数(万人)   employment at the year-end(10000 person) 50.58 77.46 23.41 6.92 31.89 10.62 6.93 10.1 4.23
      #长期职工(万人)     long-term employment 46.99 62.87 21.12 6.46 29.33 9.33 6.49 9.16 3.69
      第一产业     primary industry 0.23 0.27 0.05 0.08 0.1 0.14 0.17 0.11 0.08
      第二产业     secondary industry 25.62 55.54 16.41 3.88 23.35 6.08 3.58 5.32 1.42
        采矿业   mining and quarrying 0.03 0.05 0.15   0.2   0.06 1.15  
        制造业   manufacturing 20.08 46.81 13.64 3.07 19.66 4.57 3.05 2.18 0.24
        电力、燃气及水的生产和供应业   production and supply of electricity gas and water 0.61 0.57 0.3 0.16 0.25 0.1 0.24 0.25 0.32
        建筑业       construction 4.9 8.11 2.32 0.65 3.24 1.41 0.23 1.74 0.86
      第三产业     tertiary industry 24.73 21.65 6.95 2.96 8.44 4.4 3.18 4.67 2.73
        交通运输、仓储及邮政业       transport, storage and post services 2.8 3.46 0.54 0.2 0.9 0.4 0.35 0.24 0.16
        信息传输、计算机服务和软件业     information transmission, computer software and services 1.08 0.45 0.19 0.18 0.54 0.3 0.31 0.24 0.12
        批发和零售业                 wholesale and retail trade 2.35 2.53 0.36 0.21 0.73 0.54 0.19 0.2 0.23
        住宿、餐饮业                 lodgings and catering services 1.05 1.28 0.17 0.1 0.38 0.14 0.08 0.11 0.1
        金融业                       finance 1.74 1.13 0.42 0.39 0.52 0.36 0.31 0.51 0.27
        房地产业                     real estate 1.4 2.35 0.2 0.07 0.44 0.27 0.05 0.1 0.06
        租赁和商业服务业             rent and business services 1.08 1.28 0.18 0.14 0.32 0.09 0.07 0.9 0.09
        科学研究、技术服务和地质勘查业    scientific reseach, ploytechnic services and geological prospecting 1.75 0.57 0.12 0.1 0.14 0.13 0.05 0.24 0.1
        水利、环境和公共设施管理业    water conservancy, environment and public facilities management 0.77 0.7 0.17 0.11 0.07 0.12 0.08 0.03 0.07
        居民服务和其他服务业        resident services and others 0.26 0.62 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02  
        教育                        education 4.04 2.79 2.5 0.51 2.03 0.85 0.62 0.77 0.6
        卫生、社会保障和社会福利业   health care, social ensure and walfare 2.12 1.33 0.69 0.26 0.66 0.35 0.29 0.42 0.21
        文化、体育和娱乐业          culture, sports and entertainment 0.99 0.52 0.16 0.07 0.15 0.08 0.06 0.08 0.05
        公共管理和社会组织          public management and social organizations 3.3 2.64 1.23 0.61 1.53 0.75 0.7 0.81 0.67
    私营和个体从业人员(人)     individual employment in urban area(person) 350011 363687 79620 41053 166271 58492 36231 53057 17516
    年末城镇登记失业人员数(人)     registered unemployment in urban area at the year-end (person) 29569 23000 4787 4729 3654 3588 5644 5184 2525
  (三)土地面积 area of land                  
    行政区域土地面积(平方公里)     administrative area(sq.km) 1043 1569 2284 1178 529 401 2652 2678 1537
    #建成区面积       area of built district(sq.km) 177 127 47 23.6 80 45 20.13 31.6 12
二、综合经济 general economy                  
  地区生产总值(当年价格、万元)   gdp(10000 yuan) 8044227 11680229 3447135 1052199 4079011 1809315 1028324 1848235 642065
    第一产业增加值     value-added of primary industry 103858 186270 425385 73542 114163 69024 154789 138596 127276
    第二产业增加值     value-added of secondary industry 3414465 6292259 2001153 590514 2234411 880284 519350 1105451 159640
    #工业增加值       industrial value-added 2779352 5603061 1755587 505781 1979693 753788 429986 1027406 91267
    第三产业增加值     value-added of tertiary industry 4525904 5201700 1020597 388143 1730437 860007 354185 604188 355149
  地方财政一般预算内收入(万元)   budgetary revenue of local government(10000 yuan) 822721 1361653 162855 82927 316735 161661 71917 171874 14728
  地方财政一般预算内支出(万元)   budgetary expenditure of local government(10000 yuan) 661445 1591253 200122 85437 313218 187778 82385 172825 31447
  年末金融机构存款余额(万元)   deposits of monetary institutions at the year-end(10000 yuan) 22595068 18306965 3136895 1503226 5385026 2254938 1357095 1852263 720032
  #城乡居民储蓄年末余额(万元)     saving of urban and rural residents at the year-end (10000 yuan) 8229299 6808196 2180192 711598 2648356 1111275 689111 919951 249724
  年末金融机构各项贷款余额(万元)   loans of monetary institutions at the year-end(10000 yuan) 19366127 13695805 2007027 1233708 4532470 1768154 1217958 1577149 805057
三、工业 industry                  
  规模以上工业企业   industrial enterprises above designated size                  
    工业企业数(个)     number of industrial enterprises(unit) 1174 1684 538 187 1022 410 184 318 45
      内资企业       domestic funded enterprises 680 686 316 170 462 267 158 281 38
      港、澳、台商投资企业       enterprises with funds from hongkong ,macao and taiwan 272 601 142 14 394 99 10 23 3
      外商投资企业       foreign funded enterprises 222 397 80 3 166 44 16 14 4
    工业总产值(万元)     total output(10000 yuan)  8771665 23678616 4257656 1908617 7297119 2241644 1429809 2360514 339156
      内资企业       domestic funded enterprises 4213862 4530576 1720625 1828362 3659288 1256922 1064319 2030323 305489
      港、澳、台商投资企业       enterprises with funds from hongkong ,macao and taiwan 2040447 7762671 1033156 61469 2347128 691029 166872 227586 4404
      外商投资企业       foreign funded enterprises 2517356 11385369 1503875 18786 1290703 293693 198618 102605 29263
    从业人员年平均人数(万人)     annual average employment(10000 person)  26.57 57.24 18.09 3.8 27.15 7.03 3.63 4.95 0.75
    流动资产年平均余额(万元)     annual average balance of circulating funds(10000 yuan) 4165808 10574442 1436906 901347 212492 912874 605918 1019750 96896
    固定资产净值年平均余额(万元)     annual average balance     of net value of fixed assets(10000 yuan) 1981103 5305650 1094146 715931 1339182 306061 604671 813825 494060
    主营业务收入(万元)     sales revenue(10000 yuan) 7435414 23111482 3995813 1850456 6281142 1945904 1258880 2185521 326406
    #主营业务税金及附加(万元)       sales tax and extra charges(10000 yuan) 26506 220714 30729 14872 80179 5990 4839 244076 988
    本年应交增值税(万元)     value-added tax payable(10000 yuan) 142203 438132 110513 82616 151938 131667 44535 144985 13305
    利润总额(万元)     total profits(10000 yuan) 333304 1326194 181357 97890 236289 94154 75473 191081 21600
四、邮电通讯 post & telecommunication ,energy and power                  
  年末邮政局(所)数(处)   number of post & telecommunications offices at the year-end (unit) 82 96 102 23 58 16 29 31 26
  年末固定电话用户数(万户)   phones users (10000 subscribers) 145.2 99.26 58.3 16.4 78.39 30.8 19.75 23.03 12.79
  年末移动电话用户数(户)   number of mobile telephone subscribers at the year-end(unit) 1550000 2307700 715320 233793 720689 489326 260094 454700 197913
  国际互联网用户数(户)   number of subscribers of internet services at the year-end(unit) 551254 515887 74267 66551 429781 116276 33369 145240 33455
五、能源消费 energy consumption                  
  全年用电量(万千瓦时)   electricity consumption (10000 kwh) 824721 1032294 249918 241353 461242 324692 235341 278374 50625
  #工业用电(万千瓦时)     industrial consumptim(10000 kwh) 411078 631585 153236 207137 300829 214033 185793 218105 23091
    居民生活用电(万千瓦时)   residential consumption by urban and rural residents (10000 kwh) 205067 180728 59438 15071 78663 49614 24027 33979 12652
六、贸易 trade                  
  限额以上批发零售贸易业商品   total sales of wholesale and retail trade  7981015 17153140 769579 987421 2421620 131113 224072.5 599260 251939
      销售总额(万元)          above designated size (10000 yuan)                  
  社会消费品零售额(万元)   retail sales of consumer goods(10000 yuan) 5522747 3149439 1198087 346272 1639022 978371 384577 593593 243834
  限额以上批发零售企业数(法人数、个)   number of enterprises above designated size in wholesale  454 885 48 98 146 102 25 63 25
          and ratail trade(unit)                  
  #零售业     retail trade 203 142 34 37 75 43 19 34 18
七、固定资产投资 investment in fixed assets                  
  (一)固定资产投资  investment in fixed assets                  
    全社会固定资产投资总额(万元)   total investment in fixed assets(10000 yuan) 4445006 6620984 1393212 463598 1193035 719114 563629 596800 677031
    全年新增固定资产(万元)   newly increased fixed assets(10000 yuan) 1265831 1786604 513540 129206 146227 245852 167194 435751 612878
  (二)房地产  real estate                  
    商品房屋销售面积(万平方米)   floor space of commercial houses actually sold(10000 sq.m) 524.98 433.27 79.47 26.34 51.91 79.13 34.58 108.34 47.23
    商品房屋销售额(万元)   total sales of commercial houses(10000 yuan) 2509536 2746979 239835 65592 181531 249844 90713 294263 115055
    商品房屋空置面积(万平方米)   floor space of commercial houses unsold(10000 sq.m) 56.22 46.92 11.01 5.46 23.23 18.25 5.99 12.7 4.87
八、教育、文化、卫生 education,science,culture and health                  
  (一)教育  education                  
    学校数(所)   school(unit)                  
      普通高等学校数     institutions of higher education 31 13 3 2 10 4 1 2 1
      中等职业教育学校数     specialized secondary schools 82 35 20 10 40 11 10 14 6
      普通中学学校数     regular secondary schools 84 90 103 17 55 29 26 32 28
      小学学校数     primiary schools 213 322 538 43 196 121 139 75 135
    专任教师数(人)   number of full-time teachers(person)                  
      普通高等学校教师数     institutions of higher education 10261 6150 646 531 3678 1839 147 737 211
      中等职业教育学校教师数     specialized secondary schools 3723 1315 907 621 1469 448 452 609 290
      普通中学教师数     regular secondary schools 7545 8158 9218 1356 5665 2684 1924 2272 1765
      小学教师数     primiary schools 6940 8570 10053 1450 5313 2083 2608 1985 2231
    在校学生数   number of students enrollment                  
      普通高等学校学生数(人)     students enrollmant of higher educational institutions(person) 174398 79987 12947 11056 68061 38836 10445 12614 4027
      高中阶段在校学生数(人)     students enrollmant of senior secondary schools(person) 41948 165723 83120 8262 69629 29034 24659 14343 9133
      中等职业教育学校学生数(人)     students enrollmant of specialized secondary schools(person) 91492 41779 28902 13898 37206 12578 8700 16879 6199
      普通中学学生数(万人)     students enrollmant of regular secondary schools(10000 person) 10.75 12.64 15.18 2.03 8.63 4.13 2.67 3.36 2.93
      小学学生数(万人)     students enrollmant of  primiary schools(10000 person) 14.45 16.17 16.11 2.29 8.71 4.27 3.52 3.11 2.98
      成人高等学校在校学生数(人)    student enrollment of adult education schools(person) 52025 19452 1483 1096 9601 5379 2290 620 1900
  (二)文化 culture                  
    剧场、影剧院数(个)   number of theatres and cinemas(unit) 35 9 12 3 15 3 2 3 1
    公共图书馆图书总藏量(千册、件)   stock copies of public library(1000 copies) 4400 2299 95 471 699 240 242 237 97
  (三)卫生 public health                  
    医院、卫生院数(个)   number of hospitals(unit) 65 53 49 18 44 15 30 34 20
    医院、卫生院床位数(张)   number of hospitals beds(unit) 11004 7086 3768 2452 4449 2358 1967 2898 1392
九、人民生活、社会保障 people’s livelihood                  
  在岗职工平均人数(万人)   average staff and workers on job(10000 person) 48.36 73.65 22.16 6.72 30.91 10 6.76 8.99 4.01
  在岗职工工资总额(万元)   total wages of staff and workers on job(10000 yuan) 1098046 1881273 350703 138865 554648 180649 127764.9 184937 75057
  城镇居民人均可支配收入(元)   per capita annual disposable income of urban residents(yuan) 14321 18513 12324 13501 18536 12720 11582 12298 10941
  城镇居民人均消费支出(元)   per capita expenditures for consumption of urban residents(yuan) 9671 14162 9474 9114 12393 9080 7624.8 9349 7623
  #食品     food  4068 5022 3738 3720 4771 3638 3308.71 3338 3253
    衣着用品     clothing  682 1004 692 787 1161 659 581.27 823 775
    家庭设备、用品及服务       household facilities ,articles and services 484 870 534 491 834 360 347.99 470 302
    医疗保健     health care 690 594 365 424 815 322 310.64 516 623
    交通和通讯     transport,post and communication services 1013 2209 1531 1094 1351 1152 791.27 1558 820
    娱乐、教育、文化服务     recreation,education and culture services 1151 1965 848 1205 1884 1408 1234.68 1401 793
    居住     residence 1274 2009 1484 1023 1117 1156 800.45 978 804
  居民消费价格指数(上年为100)   retail price index of goods(previous year=100) 100.3 100.85 102.2 101.4 101 101 101.05 102.1 103.2
  基本养老保险参保人数(人)   employed persons with endowment insurance (person) 514375 891200 125402 125746 136913 110143 62333 81474 21473
  基本医疗保险参保人数(人)   persons with health insurance (person) 384221 950130 140962 113426 178305 80417 103442 105978 20506
  失业保险参保人数(人)   persons with unemployment insurance (person) 557843 771248 109537 58865 193740 82336 96490 75455 12783
  城镇居民最低生活保障人数(人)   number of persons receiving lowest cost-of-living (person) 14088 17354 6707 7333 6822 6668 5025 4072 2855
十、社会治安 public order                  
  交通事故死亡人数(人)   number of death in traffic accidents(person) 135 243 120 51 141 79 48 112 32
  火灾事故死亡人数(人) number of death in fire registered (person) 5 7 3 3 2 2     1
  刑事案件立案数(件)   number of criminal cases registered(unit) 28125 25256 9333 2450 7277 6218 409 4766 275
  犯罪人数(人)   number of criminal(person) 2569 3706 1240 512 1889 593 636 1070 319
十一、市政公用事业 urban public utilities                  
  年末实有城市道路面积(万平方米)   area of roads in cities at the year-end (10000 sq.m) 1807 1639 597 158 669 563 182 318 206
  排水管道长度(公里)   length of server pipelines(km) 1450 1406 479 80 368 527 84 332 113
  供水综合生产能力(包括自备水源)   general production ability of supplied water(10000cu.m /day) 150.9 100 35 76.9 35.8 32.5 27.8 10.7 5.5
  供水总量(万立方米)   annual supply of tap water(10000 cu.m) 28031 25782 5412 7854 11703 5589 5218 4430 1418
  用水人口(万人)   population of water consumption(10000 person) 181 109.24 42.8 21.72 63.66 31.28 20.1 22.91 15
  液化石油气供气总量(吨)   total supply of liquefied petroleum gas(ton) 113115 105128 10726 6300 28073 14673 4490 4928 7122
  #家庭用量     consumption for households 60848 51487 9354 3100 26781 11284 4260 4829 5365
  用液化气人口(人)   population of liquefied petroleum gas consumption(person) 1785000 1092400 387000 96500 604800 301588 196000 270200 155500
  年末实有公共汽(电)车营运车辆数(辆)   number of public transportation vehicles at the year-end (unit) 1862 2575 518 215 642 193 202 242 130
  全年公共汽(电)车客运总量(万人次)   total passager traffic of buses(10000 person-times) 38825 55000 5814 5252 7745 2002 4282 4158 2494
  年末实有出租汽车数(辆)   number of taxies at the year-end(unit) 3745 3646 626 339 1701 909 1080 408 447
  园林绿地面积(公顷)   public green areas and garden areas(hectare)                  
  #公共绿地面积(公顷)   public green areas(hectare) 6955 5660 1719 1233 2607 1882 743 1295 416
  建成区绿化覆盖面积(公顷)   green areas in developed land(hectare) 6420 5782 1952 1004 2823 1929 802 1116 438
note : the date in this table are the dete of all districs and administered by the city.