15-24  社会保险统筹情况
basic statistics on social insurance
         item 2005 2006
各种保险总收入(亿元) total revenue of varied insurance (100 million yuan) 306.74 357.18
各种保险总支出(亿元) total expenses of varied insurance (100 million yuan) 161.12 186.95
一、养老保险 pension  insurance     
  (一)城镇企业职工养老保险 pension  insurance for staff and workers of urban    
    1.期末参加基本养老保险职工人数(万人)    number of employment covered at the year-end 267.25 307.79
             (10000 persons)    
    2.期末参加基本养老保险离退休人数(万人)     retiress as covered at the year-end 72.14 76.16
              (10000 persons)    
    3.期末企业退休人员实行社会化管理人数(万人)     enterprises retirees applied socialized management 67.18 70.60
              at the year-end (10000 persons)    
    4.基本养老保险基金收入(亿元)     revenue (100 million yuan) 73.20 86.75
    5.基本养老保险基金支出(亿元)     expenses (100 million yuan) 58.12 72.45
    6.基本养老保险基金累计结余(亿元)     balance (100 million yuan) 61.02 77.72
  (二)机关事业单位养老保险   pension  insurance for government agencies and    
    1.期末参加基本养老保险职工人数(万人)     number of staff covered at the year-end (10000 persons) 53.51 54.21
    2.期末领取基本养老保险金的职工人数(万人)     beneficiaries at the year-end 16.65  
              (10000 persons)    
    3.基本养老保险基金收入(亿元)     revenue (100 million yuan) 29.68 33.78
    4.基本养老保险基金支出(亿元)     expenses (100 million yuan) 27.46 31.73
    5.基本养老保险基金累计结余(亿元)     balance (100 million yuan) 18.68 20.50
  (三)农村养老保险    pension  insurance in rural areas    
    1.期末参加基本养老保险的职工人数(万人)     number of staff covered at the year-end (10000 persons) 152.28 144.72
    2.期末领取基本养老保险金的职工人数(万人)     beneficiaries at the year-end 1.65 1.79
              (10000 persons)    
    3.基本养老保险基金收入(亿元)     revenue (100 million yuan) 0.67 0.91
    4.基本养老保险基金支出(亿元)     expenses (100 million yuan) 0.13 0.23
    5.基本养老保险基金累计结余(亿元)     balance (100 million yuan) 9.05 9.72
二、医疗保险   insurance for medical care    
  (一)期末参加基本医疗保险的职工人数(万人)    number of staff covered at the year-end (10000 persons) 332.98 370.05
  (二)基本医疗保险基金收入(亿元)     revenue (100 million yuan) 40.56 47.70
     #统筹基金收入(亿元)     revenue of funds planned as a whole 22.84 26.47
             (100 million yuan)    
  (三)基本医疗保险基金收缴率(%)     insurance paid rate(%) 96.8 97.6
  (四)基本医疗保险基金支出(亿元)     expenses  (100 million yuan) 26.10 31.21
     #统筹基金支出(亿元)       expenses of funds planned as a whole 13.84 16.36
               (100 million yuan)    
  (五)基本医疗保险基金累计结余(亿元)     balance (100 million yuan) 55.75 72.25
     #统筹基金结余(亿元)       balance of funds planned as a whole 29.53 39.64
               (100 million yuan)    
三、失业保险 unemployment insurance    
  (一)期末参加失业保险人数(万人)   population covered at the year-end (10000 persons) 266.59 293.07
  (二)期末领取失业保险金人数(万人)   beneficiaries of unemployment insurance at the 8.61 6.77
           year-end (10000 persons)    
  (三)失业保险基金收入(亿元)   revenue (100 million yuan) 10.45 8.92
  (四)失业保险基金支出(亿元)   expenses (100 million yuan) 7.05 4.39
  (五)失业保险基金累计结余(亿元)   balance (100 million yuan) 16.32 21.22
四、工伤、生育保险 work injury and maternity for insurance    
  (一)期末参加工伤保险的企业职工人数   contributors of work injury insurance at the 207.77 228.26
         (万人)          year-end (10000 persons)    
  (二)工伤保险基金收入(亿元)   revenue of work injury insurance (100 million yuan) 2.07 2.84
  (三)工伤保险基金支出(亿元)   expenses of work injury insurance (100 million yuan) 0.99 1.15
  (四)工伤保险基金累计结余(亿元)   balance of work injury insurance (100 million yuan) 7.94 9.76
  (五)期末参加生育保险的企业职工人数   beneficiaries of maternity at the year-end 130.69 140.84
         (万人)          (10000 persons)    
  (六)生育保险基金收入(亿元)   revenue of maternity insurance (100 million yuan) 1.02 1.28
  (七)生育保险基金支出(亿元)   expenses of maternity insurance (100 million yuan) 0.72 0.81
  (八)生育保险基金累计结余(亿元)   balance of maternity insurance (100 million yuan) 1.39 1.89
五、商业保险 commercial insurance    
  (一)人身保险保费收入金额(亿元)   personal insurance revenue (100 million yuan) 107.72 121.99
  (二)人身保险赔偿支出金额(亿元)   personal insurance expenses (100 million yuan) 13.32 17.03
  (三)财产保险保费收入金额(亿元)   poroperty insurance revenue (100 million yuan) 41.37 52.36
  (四)财产保险赔偿支出金额(亿元)   poroperty insurance expenses (100 million yuan) 27.23 27.78