15-19  农村环境情况
basic statistics on rural environment
指标 item 2005 2006
农村总户数(万户) number of rural households (10000 household) 681.74 693.53
累计卫生厕所户数(万户) number of households with lavatories (10000 household) 397.30 421.56
#三格式粪池式(万户)  household with manure( 10000 household) 361.35 363.05
  双瓮漏斗式(万户)  household with lavatories of duble funnel( 10000 household) 18.14 19.22
  三联沼气池式(万户)  household with methane-generating pit( 10000 household) 14.89 22.53
  完整下水道水冲式(万户)  household with lavatories of sewer( 10000 household) 2.92 8.60
农村卫生厕所普及率(%) pencentage of villages with access to lavatories( %) 58.28 60.78
当年新增卫生厕所户数(万户) number of households with newly built lavatories current year 18.54 17.07
        ( 10000 household)    
累计使用卫生公厕户数(万户) number of households with public lavatories( 10000 household) 50.97 44.99
当年用于改厕投资(万元) investment on rebuilt lavatories current year( 10000 yuan) 13982.04 20149.31
#国家(万元)  national 2751.11 3111.53
  集体(万元)  collective 1377.45 2324.56
  个人(万元)  individual 9788.95 14309.34
  其他(万元)  others 64.53 403.88
农村总人口(万人) rural population( 10000 person) 2755.94 2681.14
累计已改水受益人口(万人) beneficiaries of rebuilt water supply( 10000 person) 2689.61 2592.79
#自来水(万人)  tap water( 10000 person) 2053.03 2026.17
  手压机井(万人)  well with handle press( 10000 person) 135.95 136.77
  其他(万人)  others( 10000person) 500.63 429.85
当年用于农村改水投资(万元) investment on rebuilt water supply current year( 10000 yuan) 17919.22 26886.48
#国家(万元)  national 7644.86 12180.42
  集体(万元)  collective 3869.97 5937.28
  个人(万元)  individual 6083.56 7240.35
  其他(万元)  others 320.83 1528.43
农村可再生能源利用情况 utilization of repeat energy in rural    
  沼气池产气总量(万立方米)  marsh gas production( 10000 m3) 15140.50 14530.80
  农村户用沼气池(万口)   number of methane-generating pits used by rural household 26.51 30.80
           ( 10000 pits)    
  大中型沼气工程(处)    large and middle marsh gas projects 681 806
  生活污水净化沼气池(处)  methane-generating pits used for  waste water treatment 1909 1909