15-15  国内公证文书分理情况
domestic notarial documents by type
单位:件           (case)
    item 2000 2003 2004 2005 2006
经济公证事项 notarized documents on economic affairs 48978 37006 25109 20586 17987
  购销合同  contracts of purchases and sales of products 17808 10176 3674 578 2166
  联营合同  joint business contracts 53 75 47 28 18
  拍买  auctions 866 485 222 230 268
  贷款合同  loans contracts 12595 10986 7955 9283 6593
  担保书  guarantees 956 1848 1119 185 99
  招标投标  bidding 2382 1321 1353 2533 1469
  科技协作  scientific and technological contracts 2 2   9  
  供用电合同  supply and use of electric power contracts 46 12 16 10 36
  劳务合同  labor contracts 1016 429 619 258 142
  建筑工程承包  construction project contracts 170 69 63 108 35
  工商服务业承包  industrial and commercial service contracts 290 42 11 43 39
  农林牧副渔业承包  farming, forestry, animal husbandry, sideline
1502 312 221 239 91
            production and fishery contracts          
  乡镇企业承包  township enterprise contracts 51 25 7 9 4
  财产租赁  property leases 146 47 45 23 36
  企业租赁  leases of enterprise 40 31 3 6 45
  资产经营责任制  asset business contracts 4 77 21    
  还款协议  payment contracts 461 53 32 68 12
  土地使用权出让转让  selling or transfer of right of land utilization 383 446 202 259 329
  其他经济合同  other business contracts 2519 1056 4496 1307 889
  法人资格  legal person identification 113 138 150 354 189
  法人委托书  legal person trust deeds 549 1935 1823 1936 1433
  公司章程  corporation constitution 53 33 66 150 171
  执行许可证明  operating permits 1381 63 53 59 55
  提存  consignation 45 46 87 116 72
  抵押登记  mortgage registration 684 153 123 145 137
  公司会议记录  minutes of corporation meetings 32 21 9 5 3
  其他  others 4831 3128 2692 2645 3656
民事公证事项 notarized documents on civil legal
59366 58516 60308 58778 75922
  收养  child adoption 76 63 62 29 169
  解除收养  adoption renouncements 9 18 17 26 31
  继承权  rights of inheritance 4319 6073 6782 6796 8409
  遗嘱  testaments 1871 1598 1384 1271 1789
  产权  property rights 337 510 373 190 263
  亲属关系  kinship confirmation 12622 2839 2404 2698 3250
  死亡  death certificates 297 436 206 405 386
  房屋买卖  purchases and sale of 2739 4772 2752 2182 1995
  房屋租赁  houses leases 325 83 185 171 35
  留学协议  foreign study contracts 30 58 11 39 82
  遗赠扶养协议  donations and family fostering 72 106 1015 457 544
  委托书  trust deeds 5484 8080 10318 14893 21147
  赠与书  presentation documents 3500 2375 2389 2154 3250
  声明书  declarations 7564 8490 8439 8528 9134
  现场监警  field supervision 1931 1031 816 747 1046
  签名印鉴属实  confirmation of signatures and seals  1308 1220 1063 1576 1805
  文本相符  confirmation of copies and photo offset copies
426 2150 1667 1478 2424
           to originals          
  宅基地使用权  rights to housing site 192 42 180 18 19
  证据保全  evidence preservation 707 1789 2230 1959 2881
  拆迁协议  housing demolition 741 327 128 36 60
  计划生育  agreements family planning 440 685 994 1077 1328
  赡养协议  agreements on supporting parents 161 109 46 129 178
  合伙协议  partnership agreements 72 31 66 42 222
  夫妻财产协议  property agreements between spouses 373 540 387 314 369
  其他民事协议  other civil agreements 5149 5062 5696 3516 3466
  学历 record of formal schooling     203 546 293
  其他  others 8621 10029 10495 7501 11347