15-11  农村村级卫生组织情况
health organizations in rural areas at village level
    item 1995 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
1.已设置医疗点村数(个) number of villages with medical
14668 13085 13061 13283 13276 11916
       treatment stations (unit)            
2.村设置医疗点数(个) medical treatment stations of
20613 14326 15004 15740 18222 17470
3.乡村医生和卫生人员数(人) number of rural doctors and
28665 24503 27087 26709 30384 29452
       medical personnel (person)            
    乡村医生(人) rural doctors (person) 15826 19631 21281 23684 29139 28561
    卫生员(人) medical personnel   (person)           12839 4872 5803 3025 1245 891
4.农村接生人员(人) midwives of villages (person) 15004 2563 1762 1113 506 389