15-4  各类卫生机构数
number of health institutions
单位:个       (unit)
    item 2004 2005 2006
         total 8672 7932 9652
医院   hospitals 350 365 370
疗养院   sanatorium 20 16 14
社区卫生服务中心         health service centers in communities 22 44 241
卫生院   rural township hospitals 965 953 937
门诊部        clinics 387 303 313
诊所、医务室、护理站   clinigues,infirmaries,nursing stations 6591 5920 7382
妇幼保健院、所     maternity and child care centers 91 89 88
专科疾病防治院     specialized prevention & treatment centers 37 34 31
急救中心      first-aid centers 10 10 10
采供血机构   blood collected and supplied centers 15 10 9
疾病预防控制中心(防疫站)     sanitation and antiepidemic stations 95 93 93
卫生监督所   sanitation supervision centers 17 33 46
医学在职培训机构   sanitation supervision and inspection centers 32 26 8
医学科学研究机构   research institutions of medical science 10 9 25
健康教育所     health education centers 9 7 5
其他卫生机构             other institutions 21 20 21