14-36  书刊报纸出版情况
books, magazines and newspaper published
  出版社 出版种数(种) 总印数(万册、万份)
(个) number of publications (kind) printed copies(10000 copies)
year publishing            
houses books magazines newspaper books magazines newspaper
1978 1 180 8 4 6818 388 14784
1980 4 224 28 6 8246 960 14913
1985 9 976 114 32 15603 3375 35847
1986 9 1119 119 31 12465 3450 39596
1987 9 1207 124 38 17101 4177 44858
1988 10 1183 126 31 17047 3429 44135
1989 10 1449 128 31 15859 2765 36961
1990 10 1518 123 31 16311 3157 41455
1991 10 1709 126 32 17667 3688 44176
1992 10 1939 134 35 19399 4258 45021
1993 10 1988 139 41 17044 4350 45845
1994 11 2379 150 43 19745 4004 49208
1995 11 2347 159 47 18448 4239 51526
1996 11 2765 159 47 21348 3891 53608
1997 11 2713 157 48 23282 3974 55027
1998 11 2864 159 48 21596 3899 59543
1999 11 3250 134 49 21875 3990 64195
2000 11 2879 187 61 20298 4463 68897
2001 11 2395 189 64 17891 4470 73185
2002 11 2692 186 66 19953 4089 79061
2003 11 2591 186 66 15595 3937 79809
2004 11 2641 176 58 13907 3450 89681
2005 11 2623 174 58 10643 2841 87962
2006 11 3002 174 59 9837 2902 97246
note:number of publications of books includes those for rent since 1995.