14-28  主要年份各类文化事业机构数
number of cultural institutions in selected years
单位:个             (unit)
  艺术事业 公共图书馆 博物馆 群众文化事业
art institutions mass culture
表演团体 表演场所 艺术馆 文化馆 文化站
  art         cultural cultural
year performancetroups art centers public libraries museums art centers centers stations
1952 62 32 2     72 152
1957 113 74 10 1   69 149
1962 119 48 10 9 8 72 47
1965 115 52 12 13 8 73 40
1970 66 31 10 6 1 55 34
1975 77 31 14 10 2 72 37
1978 101   23 13 6 76 35
1980 107 26 26 15 9 76 55
1985 104 55 65 24 10 78 134
1986 101 64 68 25 10 78 140
1987 98 67 70 34 10 78 143
1988 97 71 71 42 10 78 144
1989 92 71 73 51 10 79 145
1990 91 75 74 58 10 80 145
1991 89 75 74 61 10 80 128
1992 89 77 75 64 10 80 143
1993 90 77 75 63 10 80 126
1994 91 78 75 62 10 80 115
1995 91 78 78 64 10 80 159
1996 91 79 79 70 10 80 146
1997 92 78 78 76 10 80 149
1998 94 79 80 76 10 80 142
1999 93 79 82 77 10 80 143
2000 96 80 81 81 10 80 143
2001 93 83 82 80 10 80 143
2002 94 79 82 80 10 80 1042
2003 94 77 82 79 10 78 1066
2004 94 74 83 79 10 78 1001
2005 91 76 84 82 10 80 1026
2006 92 69 85 84 15 75 1018
note:the statistic scope of cultural stations has been adjusted. cultural stations since 2002 includes those runned by local people or by government,
 namely,all local cultural stations. cultural stations in and before 2001 includes those runned by government only.