13-20  外商投资企业生产经营情况(2006年)  
major indicators of foreign-funded enterprises, 2006  
      item 企业数 外商实际 从业人员 工资总额 实交税金 总产值 销售收入   利润总额 资产总额
    及 附 加 #出口销售
(个) (万美元) (人) (万元) (万元) (万元) (万元) (万美元) (万元) (万元)
        tax actually          
number of actual foreign employees total wages paid and extra total sales revenue export sales total profit total assets
enterprises investment     charges outputvalue        
(unit) (10000 dollars) (person) (10000 yuan) (10000 yuan) (10000 yuan) (10000 yuan)  (usd 10000) (10000 yuan) (10000 yuan)
                             total 10609 459778 2005917 3425857 2045481 54622516 58199522 3054099 3325706 63467636
按投资方式分 by kind of investment              
  合资企业                         joint venture 2401 94192 515318 975355 782766 18371761 19162899 793867 954419 20238876
  合作企业                         cooperative operation 434 10531 83816 124552 72780 1756109 1847371 89513 94247 2619279
  独资企业                         sole-foreign enterprises 7693 353517 1386790 2270312 1149334 33549787 35835884 2135651 2136169 37637474
  股份制企业   share holding enterprises 17 117 9708 25173 25120 869328 817792 29412 26053 1389333
  其他企业   other enterprises 64 1421 10285 30463 15481 75531 535576 5656 114818 1582674
按行业分                         by secter                    
  农林牧渔业                       farming, forestry, animal husbandy and fishery 192 1807 6027 8660 394 56144 92102 3575 -1154 439831
  采矿业                           mining and quarrying 49 533 3132 3802 7325 118777 127326 4244 14407 108530
  制造业                           manufacturing 8354 247900 1878546 3117478 1572552 52375491 51215647 3025136 2442140 40845653
  电力、煤气及水的生产和供应业     production and supply of electricity gas and water 121 5459 7669 27996 122120 1125230 1148637 1615 205313 3039522
  建筑业                           construction 110 2772 12188 23777 11967 237396 317318 856 13252 401385
  交通运输、仓储及邮电业       transport, storage and post services 113 5663 9036 29756 11328 14250 347171 719 67035 1265525
  信息传输计算机服务及软件业   information transmission, computer software and services 103 2308 8250 40253 16949 104301 359351 871 89571 377558
  批发和零售贸易业           wholesale and retail trade 205 5433 12626 28052 30987 151444 1012076 13876 19116 1125179
  住宿和餐饮业   lodgings and catering services 179 5219 27610 41257 26104 49047 356564 2694 -863 676951
  金融                    finance 18 2764 964 5338 4842   124454   39913 2873108
  房地产业                         real estate 777 172618 18953 52710 213978 317380 2687537 -36 401383 11111397
  租赁和商务服务业   rent and business services 100 1468 5945 11771 13109 34958 230221 183 24945 428345
  科学研究技术服务和地质勘查业   scientific reseach, ploytechnic services and geological 52 423 3380 11900 3076 8249 56155   2119 165430
  水利、环境和公共设施管理业   water conservancy, environment and public facilities 28 2181 2222 6139 1736 11674 27425 2 -1238 200868
  居民服务和其他服务业   resident services and others 103 778 4263 8110 2386 15236 46772 1 5688 194790
  教育   education 17   701 1366 29 93 4456   -124 7659
  卫生、社会保障和社会福利业           health care, social ensure and walfare 4 22 238 312 40 1766 3123 223 117 4022
  文化、体育和娱乐业   culture, sports and entertainment 82 2430 4115 7092 6544 1080 42988 127 4080 201389
  公共管理和社会组织        public management and social organizations 2   46 81 17   200 13 11 406
  国际组织   intenational organzition                    
注:本表国民经济行业分类标准采用gb/t 4754-2002。                    
note: the classified standards of national ecomonic sector are adopted gb/t 4754-2002.