13-3  按主要贸易方式分进口商品贸易额
value of imports by main trade mode
单位:万美元         (usd 10000)
      item 2000 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
                total                    831504 1102796 1419378 1813228 1956935 2139747
#一般贸易    general trade                            271095 370868 551015 717065 755531 828346
  华侨、港澳台胞、外   donation of overseas  6 18 19 12 117 2
      籍华人捐赠物资          chinese               
  来料加工装配贸易             processing and assembling  59377 65316 68837 98458 149781 194410
         with custormer’s materials                      
  进料加工贸易          processing and assembling  358368 422137 508546 647492 697131 728836
         with imports materials                   
  来料加工装配进口   processing equipments               246 253 872 928 1345 1335
  外商投资企业作为投资   foreign funded equipments 80631 103060 78903 95394 86086 82057
  免税外汇商品                         tax-free foreign exchange 348 23 15      
  保税仓库进出境货物       imports and exports of 35038 36919 48042 44386 75675 103541
          bonded warehouse                         
  保税区仓储转口货物   transit goods of warehouse   21160 103931 154280 206278 186899 186708
          in bonded area