12-20  亿元以上商品交易市场主要经济指标(2006年)
main financial indicators of commodity markets over 100 million yuan, 2006
    item 市场数 摊位数      
      成交额 #商品
(个) (个) (平方米) (万元) 零售额
number of number of operation transaction retail
markets stalls area value  
(unit)  (unit) (sq.m) (10000 yuan)  sales
   total 143 47906 2699802 8903213 3076223
按经营环境分 by operating circumstance          
  露天式  outdoor 9 1996 113957 474539 229291
  封闭式  indoor 118 41036 2286050 7757956 2644185
  其他  others 16 4874 299795 670718 202747
按营业状态分 by operating status          
  常年营业  perennial operation 142 47626 2694802 8892613 3075413
  季节性营业  seasonal operation 1 280 5000 10600 810
  其它  others          
按经营方式分 by operating mode          
  批发(或以批发为主)  whole sale (or wholesale as the main mode) 54 18839 1493413 5801615 1076564
  零售(或以零售为主)  retail (or retail as the main mode) 89 29067 1206389 3101598 1999659
按市场类别分 by market category          
  综合市场  general markets 60 25725 746444 1628714 1106998
    工业品综合市场   industrial general markets 6 3162 197725 425690 185368
    农副产品综合市场   agricaltural products general markets 54 22563 548719 1203024 921630
  专业市场  special markets 79 20988 1902988 7195691 1928952
    纺织品服装鞋帽市场   markets for textiles, clothing, shoes  14 5668 276879 851539 406692
        and hats          
    食品饮料烟酒市场   markets for food, beverage, tobacco 6 2577 126190 381599 105910
         and liquor          
    药材药品及医疗器材市场   medicine and medical insurments          
    家具市场   markets for furnitures 1 126 38000 15120 15120
    小商品市场   markets for small commodities 6 1998 105448 1161955 143000
    文化、音响、书报杂志市   markets for culture products, videoproducts, 2 320 20930 57943 52421
          newspapers and magazines          
    旧货市场   markets for second hand          
    机动车市场   markets for mechanically-propelled vehicles 4 363 35100 328069 188689
    金属材料市场   markets for metal materials 2 186 120160 933772  
    煤炭市场   markets for coal          
    木材市场   markets for wood 2 559 251800 211398 133789
    建材装修材料市场   markets for building and decoration materials 8 2220 279503 956558 556820
    粮油市场   markets for grain and oil 3 219 134220 393554 17742
    干鲜果品市场   markets for drysaltery of fresh fruits 6 748 39616 218922 34279
    水产品市场   markets for aquatic products 11 3405 93654 955893 147505
    疏菜市场   markets for vegetables 7 1307 255435 331501 7684
    肉食禽蛋市场   markets for meat, poultry and eggs 2 126 35000 168749  
    土畜产品市场   markets for livestock products          
    农业生产资料市场   markets for agricultural product materials 2 417 33753 72314  
    计算机市场   markets for computor 1 445 38000 131378 104328
    通讯器材市场   markets for catering services          
    花卉市场   other special markets 1 104 1300 10107 10107
    五金电料市场   1 200 18000 15320 4866
  其他市场   other markets 4 1193 50370 78808 40273