12-19  商品交易市场成交情况(2006年)
main financial indicators of commodity markets, 2006
    摊位数量 成交额  
    item (个) (万元) #零售额
    number of stalls volume of trade retail 
    (unit) (10000 yuan) sale
        total 163239 10688820 4565793
食品、饮料、烟酒类 food,beverages,tobaccos and liguor 111410 5128393 2356089
  粮油类   grain and oil 11278 700657 232471
  肉禽蛋类   meat,poultry and eggs 25666 916450 642677
  其他食品类   other foods 68121 3188831 1336231
  饮料类   beverages 3573 218464 83284
  烟酒类   tobacco and liquor 2772 103991 61426
服装鞋帽、针、纺织品类 garments,shoes,caps and textiles 26000 1291904 674409
  服装类   clothing 19406 933065 473938
  鞋帽类   shoes and hats 3924 81010 45895
  针纺织品类   knitwear and textiles 2670 277829 154576
化妆品类 cosmetics 953 27718 23687
金银珠宝类 gold,silver and jewelry 906 744604 74777
日用品类 articles for daily use 4606 174874 90515
#洗涤用品类   washing articles 1544 46689 17376
  儿童玩具类 children toys 415 1897 1397
五金电料类 hardware and electrical materials 1256 89933 28068
体育、娱乐用品类 sports and recreation articles 240 4870 3983
书报杂志类 newspapers and magazines 181 2050 2032
电子出版物及音像制品类 e-journal and video products 356 2642 2291
家用电器和音像器材类 household appliances and video appliances 1066 104742 75170
中西药品类 traditional chinese and western medicines 935 11691 10659
#西药类   western medicines 252 4467 3480
  中草药及中成药类   chinese herbal medicine and mid-product medicine 551 3820 3721
文化办公用品类 cultural and official goods 800 121041 98312
家俱类 furniture  599 52339 45462
通讯器材类 communication appliances 218 14144 11356
煤炭及制品类 coal and related products 40 550 549
木材及制品类 wood and wooden products 1010 166888 99573
石油及制品类 petroleum and related products 43 4493 4441
化工材料及制品类 raw chemical materials 269 25328 14194
#化肥类   chemical fertilizer 122 5752 2871
金属材料类 metal materrials 415 940088 4325
建筑及装璜材料类 building and decoration materials 3310 1108861 622573
机电产品及设备类 mechanical and electrical products and equipment 479 53544 13810
#农机类   agricultural machinery 51 1030 242
汽车类 vehicles 519 347096 202169
种子饲料类 seed and feedstuff 816 66963 2194
棉麻类 cotton and ramie 73 319 214
其它类 others 6739 203745 104941