12-17  商品交易市场数及成交额(1980-2006)
number of commodity markets and volume of trade,1980-2006
  市场数(个)     成交额 (亿元)    
year number of     value of    
markets(unit) urbam areas rural areas (10000 yuan) urban areas rural areas
1980 990 141 849 8.75 0.83 7.92
1981 1041 146 895 10.20 1.05 9.15
1982 1135 191 944 12.06 1.45 10.61
1983 1147 191 956 13.46 1.69 11.77
1984 1306 241 1065 15.71 2.53 13.18
1985 1359 164 1195 21.18 4.30 16.88
1986 1494 205 1289 30.38 7.12 23.26
1987 1530 233 1297 38.69 9.85 28.84
1988 1596 247 1349 55.43 14.58 40.85
1989 1657 290 1367 74.39 24.84 49.55
1990 1705 320 1385 78.73 27.90 50.83
1991 1748 326 1422 97.08 35.86 61.23
1992 1823 327 1496 119.04 50.50 68.54
1993 1890 362 1528 168.56 77.89 90.67
1994 1953 402 1551 247.90 119.63 128.27
1995 1908 444 1464 386.30 191.02 195.28
1996 1931 475 1456 411.72 237.54 174.18
1997 1946 496 1450 507.66 316.66 191.00
1998 1884 543 1341 583.93 380.33 203.60
1999 1790 578 1212 610.29 433.74 176.55
2000 1725 584 1141 657.73 492.21 165.52
2001 1347 456 891 567.26 424.51 142.75
2002 1307 442 865 626.08 468.52 157.56
2003 1334 452 882 660.30 494.56 165.74
2004 1967 666 1301 516.06 386.53 129.54
2005 1301 441 860 836.10 626.23 209.87
2006 1325 533 792 1068.88 789.85 279.03