12-6  限额以上零售业财务状况(2006年)
financial indicators of retail sales enterprises above designated size,2006
单位:万元           (10000 yuan)
       item 流动资产   固定资产         所有者权   营业收入 主营业务 主营业务 主营业务 主营利润 其他业 营业费用 管理费用 财务费用   营业利润 利润总额 应交 劳动、失 住房公积 应付工资 应付福利  
    #存货       #本年折旧     益合计             税金及附加   务利润       #利息支出     所得税 业保险费 金和住房     费 总 额 增值税
    oringinal                   main                     public total total  
total longterm prices of accumulated current   total total total       operating                   labor and accamulate     payable
circulating   fixed   year     creditors capital operating main main tax and profits of other operating manage- fianancial   business total income unemploy- fund and payable payable value-
                    operating operating extra main               tax ment subsides of     added
funds investment assets depreciation depreciation total assess liabilities equity hold income income expenses charges business profits expenses ment cost cost interest profits profits payable insurance household wage welfare tax
        total 1683965 428187 640495 161560 35633 2540383 1596349 944035 613173 5657089 5619232 5073518 17715 452943 70577 274764 150350 20908 13625 101976 95443 32928 19273 5472 112823 11519 86536
#国有及国有控股  state-owned and state-holding   232836 47645 290468 77711 13156 619694 224515 395179 137784 1701102 1690200 1531925 4012 147059 11264 52663 40888 4601 3814 64427 60536 18526 4956 4200 29156 3317 29610
按登记注册类型分 by type of registration                                                      
  内资企业   domestic funded enterprises 1578154 400803 587777 144828 32286 2381030 1442105 938926 582391 5304083 5270485 4781674 16928 397030 55041 211044 134309 19451 13293 105834 100625 32237 18062 5139 94465 10242 79069
    国有企业   state-owned enterprises 93739 19051 92341 27891 4591 182367 81538 100830 77570 231731 229516 195266 1127 26504 4204 12801 15840 1539 1072 3964 3851 2562 2061 3307 10600 1466 5195
    集体企业   collective-owned enterprises 20550 5957 17096 5412 368 39056 19927 19129 11076 65616 65489 58495 167 5928 706 2592 2988 333 331 1264 1621 446 346 32 2344 242 566
    股份合作企业   cooperative enterprises 4404 1997 1549 418 45 6160 5381 779 1838 6984 6983 6276 37 670 9 216 405 130 50 -70 -81 25 15 4 275 18 396
    联营企业   joint ownership enterprises 4548 1640 3254 1334 272 8368 2965 5403 3774 48461 48307 45313 75 2731 51 965 900 97 71 1008 1018 283 42 45 648 83 1003
    有限责任公司   limited liability corporations 570181 144216 160828 36008 11101 761545 538997 222548 180610 1661153 1646916 1492659 6383 135636 24993 87509 44414 4768 3209 30581 28981 8267 10722 760 31345 3684 30960
    股份有限公司   share-holding corporations ltd. 106161 19390 171362 41914 7472 408177 139569 268608 54118 1199511 1190994 1095063 2304 93056 6525 32306 16008 2743 1756 49430 45768 13399 2141 515 13490 1226 19525
    私营企业   private enterprises 770081 203004 140102 31450 8316 965752 648848 316904 250178 2067617 2059271 1866944 6716 131341 18522 74159 53268 9806 6785 19377 19156 7202 2728 476 35372 3512 21328
    其他企业   other onterprises 8491 5548 1246 400 120 9605 4880 4725 3228 23009 23009 21658 119 1165 30 495 487 34 19 282 312 53 7   392 11 96
  港、澳、台商投资企业     funds from hong kong, macao 10210 5275 1053 480 41 13568 9883 3684 5769 12050 11964 10037 65 1741 375 1371 1679 -21 -14 -902 -886 10 19 11 678 25 46
       and taiwan                                                      
  外商投资企业  enterprises with sole foreign 95601 22109 51666 16252 3306 145785 144361 1425 25013 340956 336783 281807 722 54172 15161 62349 14362 1478 346 -2956 -4296 682 1192 321 17680 1253 7422
按行业分 by sector                                                      
  综合零售业 general retail 347281 87619 224922 55340 12390 598713 440922 157791 133468 1078596 1055729 892009 6139 152765 32581 109901 55665 6806 3442 22158 22084 8514 3023 420 40984 2884 30500
  #百货零售业 retail of consumer goods 176619 16442 102597 24808 4435 305688 208990 96698 57354 336763 322871 261981 2904 57267 11467 24001 31071 4081 2699 16405 16103 5177 1433 251 13036 738 8825
    超级市场零售业 retail of supermarkets 148034 65649 104560 24626 6262 250138 203403 46735 60439 662084 654360 565060 2929 83863 17973 75003 21450 2283 339 5272 5075 3189 1233 141 24520 1766 13337
  食品饮料及烟草制品专门 retail of food, beverages and 37951 9849 24936 8329 1253 60960 21360 39601 26580 183713 182593 131412 1539 15854 1208 6743 7471 375 334 4020 4053 1237 830 169 6168 682 5343
      零售业          tobaccos                                                      
  纺织品、服装及日用品 retail of textiles, garments,  27998 9330 5248 2547 524 33353 17786 15567 11738 77581 76391 61625 482 13843 1198 8509 4265 150 104 2229 2315 427 197 2584 3057 422 2075
      零售业          shoes and hats                                                      
  #服装零售业   retail of garments 17796 5599 1715 647 116 20445 13121 7324 4811 39060 38751 31282 296 7052 347 3693 2338 39 39 1332 1299 246 59 8 1275 151 1104
  文化体育用品及器材零售业 retail of culture, sports products and 63552 23957 63503 18487 3962 126773 36568 90205 63602 148595 147408 107188 1362 28516 1542 13520 12551 909 321 4638 4109 3084 1206 1160 8050 1055 3854
  #图书零售业   retail of books 42117 9607 60774 17746 3738 99376 24679 74698 50097 94433 93324 69015 344 22007 1445 10424 9995 558 197 3965 3345 2221 1143 787 6282 868 2911
  医药及医疗器械零售业 retail of medicines and medical appliances 94292 11857 12267 3325 595 113253 89608 23645 15596 88924 88817 77774 219 10136 442 6004 4339 1306 1165 -395 -283 232 9055 131 3675 448 1914
  #药品零售业   retail of medicines 93658 11647 12200 3301 588 112576 89234 23342 15382 86766 86659 76005 212 9754 442 5785 4236 1263 1164 -412 -299 227 9054 131 3620 442 1842
  汽车摩托车燃料及零配件 retail of motor vehicles, motorcycles 750487 191527 254525 60894 13779 1131014 631648 499366 258741 3126373 3122171 2935167 3841 168077 7111 65304 44046 8552 7117 63245 58457 16864 3505 693 31988 3173 30934
      专门零售业         fule and parts                                                      
  #汽车零售业   retail of motor vehicles  661770 156663 101648 22205 6067 803914 560378 243536 200497 1768724 1766197 1669822 1982 80378 5231 32864 30256 7929 6677 18859 17666 5006 1502 159 17452 1894 11873
    机动车燃料零售业   retail of vehicles fule 48509 17595 147770 37370 7358 280232 41053 239179 44908 1250771 1249185 1164281 1637 82291 1809 29904 11773 439 378 43355 39751 11540 1918 526 12955 1142 17815
  家用电器及电子产品零售业 retail of family electric equipment 252706 75238 10600 3116 902 274460 215025 59435 52501 698327 692075 644858 2928 36375 22350 45361 12430 1084 368 4824 3917 1857 899 115 12939 1725 8068
          and product                                                      
  #家用电器零售业 retail of family electric equipment 198788 60199 7253 1776 620 213733 171414 42320 34424 486968 483702 449610 2299 24720 20469 37379 8089 570 193 3901 2924 1534 589 104 9370 1328 6502
    计算机软件及辅助设备   retail of computer software and 21566 6655 1450 724 105 23614 15350 8264 9118 82904 82757 77822 279 4520 292 2489 2145 97 58 138 174 164 133 11 1489 171 574
        零售业         supplementary equipment                                                      
    通讯设备零售业   retail of telecommunicate equipment 28427 7686 1663 487 138 32965 24334 8630 8290 109045 106206 100714 166 5326 1574 4396 1575 355 226 575 514 137 164   1831 218 712
  五金、家具及室内装修   retail of hardware, furniture and 51739 13542 27171 3456 1548 103717 74166 29551 26988 141458 140538 119582 876 19887 3711 15087 6866 1490 596 337 347 474 406 133 3702 886 2069
       材料零售业         inside decoration materials                                                      
  无店铺及其他零售业 retail of no stores and others 57960 5269 17323 6065 680 98141 69266 28875 23959 113522 113511 103904 330 7490 435 4334 2717 238 179 921 444 240 154 68 2261 243 1779