12-3  限额以上批发零售业商品销售数量(2006年)
volume of sales in wholesale and retail sale enterprises 
above designated size, 2006
批发量 零售量
total wholesale retail
粮食(吨) grain  (ton) 1366421 1299412 67009
食用植物油(吨) edible vegetable oil (ton) 243826 220240 23586
照相机(台) camera (set) 230371 102822 127549
#数码照相机(台)   numeral camera (set) 174556 102414 72142
彩色电视机(台) television set (unit) 1183610 788567 395043
#液晶等离子电视机(台) liquid crystal and plasma tv 151152 99990 51162
组合音响(台) hi-fi stereo component system (unit) 67428 14587 52841
摄像机(台) pickup camera (unit) 26481 4430 22051
影碟机(台) video disc player (unit) 259386 57497 201889
家用电冰箱(台) household refrigerator (unit) 554183 275175 279008
家用洗衣机(台) household washing machine 342154 117699 224455
房间空调器(台) room air conditioner (unit) 1158929 770717 388212
微波炉 (台) micro-oven (unit) 353905 189831 164074
微型计算机 (台) personal computer (unit) 507775 297641 210134
普通电话机 (台) telephone (unit) 401181 128754 272427
移动电话机 (台) mobile phone (unit) 3391732 2168249 1223483
汽油 (吨) gasoline  (ton) 1805625 501927 1303698
煤油 (吨) kerosene  (ton) 102931 54165 48766
柴油 (吨) diesel oil  (ton) 3345500 1409167 1936333
汽车 (辆) motor vehicle (unit) 163760 39848 123912
#轿车 (辆)   car (unit) 81891 11157 70734
note:the data in this table are from express form.