12-1  限额以上批发业商品购销存总额(2006年)
total purchases,sales and inventory of wholesale enterprises
above designated size, 2006
单位:万元           (10000 yuan)
      item 法人企业 产业活动 从业人员 购进总额   销售总额       年末库存
(个) 单位(个) (人) #进口      
  number of       #出口
number of economic persons total goods            
corporation active units employed             inventory at
(unit) (unit) (person) purchase import sales wholesale exports retail sale the year-end
   total 1441 2057 72090 27140960 2529680 29372478 27880679 6431321 1491799 1584444
#国有及国有控股      state-owned and state-holding        330 849 33073 13777208 1501585 14440657 13283636 2718137 1157021 749461
按登记注册类型分 by registration category                    
  内资企业   domestic funded enterprises 1404 2006 68283 26440053 2441357 28552683 27067906 6345388 1484777 1540085
    国有企业     state-owned enterprises 215 474 21915 6251992 475803 7024751 6927319 1479345 97432 272485
    集体企业     collective-owned enterprises 20 26 1856 359382 20391 395961 391296 35493 4665 51342
    股份合作企业     cooperative enterprises 5 5 123 31787 3748 36189 35803 2370 386 3656
    联营企业     joint ownership enterprises 19 22 445 455709 18575 463653 451475 155739 12178 14784
      国有联营企业       state-owned joint ownership 11 14 334 150617 1693 158610 146432   12178 12453
      集体联营企业       collective joint ownership 1 1 19 3562   3886 3886 3886   6
      国有与集体联营企业       joint state-collective 1 1 18 131254 132 134016 134016 25695   496
      其他联营企业       other joint ownership 6 6 74 170277 16749 167141 167141 126157   1828
    有限责任公司     limited liability corporations 415 522 15859 7321788 792112 8144582 7983440 2028951 161142 471207
      国有独资企业       state sole funded corporations 13 31 971 789929 233889 751958 751958 26753   140462
      其他有限责任公司       other limited liability 402 491 14888 6531859 558222 7392624 7231482 2002198 161142 330745
    股份有限公司     share-holding corporations ltd. 38 230 7499 5021510 599469 4844286 3871769 743558 972517 301851
    私营企业     private enterprises 681 716 20093 6896768 530522 7514817 7293988 1874294 220829 419243
      私营独资企业       private-funded enterprises 8 8 511 29587   47174 47174 7386   5302
      私营合伙企业       private partnership enterprises 9 9 172 75484   80738 74633 10922 6105 6191
      私营有限责任公司       private limited liability 643 678 18702 6424100 458877 6983178 6769506 1799026 213672 372522
      私营股份有限公司       private share-holding 21 21 708 367597 71645 403728 402675 56961 1052 35228
         corporations ltd.                    
    其他企业     other enterprises 11 11 493 101118 738 128444 112816 25638 15627 5518
  港澳台商投资企业   funds from hong kong, macao 14 20 1271 216263 60951 252173 251701 30079 472 16660
     and taiwan                    
    合资企业     joint-venture enterprises 5 7 551 74565 22033 79027 78555 26002 472 3296
    合作企业     cooperative enterprises                    
    独资企业     enterprises with sole investment 8 11 609 121493 38918 153036 153036 4078   12808
    股份有限公司     fund share-holding corporations 1 2 111 20206   20110 20110     556
  外商投资企业   foreign funded enterprises 23 31 2536 484644 27373 567623 561072 55854 6551 27699
    中外合资     joint-venture enterprises 12 16 1122 274493 5989 326999 323730 45838 3269 21686
    中外合作     cooperation enterprises                    
    外资企业     enterprises with sole foreign 11 14 1314 200391 21384 231616 230179 10016 1437 4512
    外商投资股份有限公司     share-holding with foreign funds   1 100 9761   9007 7163   1844 1501
按行业分 by sector                    
  农畜产品批发业 wholesale of farm crops and livestock  27 58 691 198669 73709 216894 212730 36195 4164 66722
  食品、饮料、烟草批发业 wholesale of food, beverages  150 284 19302 4963072 100298 5659671 5558793 435527 100878 180820
          and tobaccos                    
  #米面制品及食用油  sholesale of rice, wheat products and 27 28 1340 400145 5952 412448 409141 95619 3308 51727
        批发业         rdible oil                    
    烟草制品批发业   wholesale of tobaccos 38 134 10861 3220123 378 3746485 3720254   26231 72126
  纺织、服装及日用品 wholesale of textiles, garments and 227 237 8407 5337090 686670 6032799 5987985 3211106 44814 212677
       批发业         daily consumer articles                    
  #服装批发业   wholesale of garments 71 75 2795 3066990 609526 3457233 3456737 1737129 496 142021
  文化、体育用品及器材 wholesale of culture, sports products  42 42 2946 372224 9318 387946 383342 171251 4604 52472
       批发业         and appliances                    
  医药及医疗器械批发业 wholesale of medicines and medical  64 152 7044 846545 20218 968063 808197 22594 159866 110151
  矿产品、建材及化工产品 wholesale of mineral products, building 581 860 17405 9936406 875541 10345649 9291468 1147904 1054181 519069
      批发业         materials and chemical products                    
  #煤炭及制品批发业   wholesale of coal and its products 29 48 734 261537 5784 287505 278154 11905 9351 9311
    石油及制品批发业   wholesale of petroleum and its products 65 272 4724 2899585 2562 2704759 1748582 422 956177 103663
    金属及金属矿批发业   wholesale of metal and metal mineral 159 171 3287 3301991 297043 3583637 3539338 493576 44299 195776
    建材批发业   wholesale of building materials 135 168 3985 1232904 116474 1344072 1304552 402710 39521 59608
    化肥批发业   wholesale of chemical fertilizer 16 16 968 247099 25220 274637 272324 36926 2313 40944
  机械设备五金交电及电子 wholesale of machinery, equipment,  233 254 10840 2656269 219430 2845326 2727655 345468 117671 257913
      产品批发业 hardware,transport and electic products                    
  #汽车摩托车及零配件   wholesale of motor vehicles,  57 62 1493 490160 58037 520111 477031 36053 43081 33583
        批发业        motorcycles and parts                    
    家用电器批发业   whole of family electrical equipments 31 36 2755 455174 6642 456692 447333 23652 9359 47462
    计算机软件及辅助设备   wholesale of computer software and 24 29 1610 260984 22403 296355 248102 3293 48253 14677
        批发业         supplementary equipments                    
  贸易经纪与代理 trade broker and agent 21 74 2021 630157 87663 687507 687463 649649 44 7636
  其他类未包括的批发业 other wholesale not classified elsewhere 96 96 3434 2200528 456833 2228623 2223045 411629 5578 176984