11-11  主要年份邮电通信条件
condition of postal and telecommunication services in selected years
  邮路单程长度 农村投递路线 长途电话业务     邮路单程长度 农村投递路线 长途电话业务
(公里) (公里) 电路 (路)   (公里) (公里) 电路 (路)
year length of rural  long-distance   year length of rural  long-distance
postal one-way delivery telephone lines   postal one-way delivery telephone lines
route (km) routes(km) (lines)   route (km) routes(km) (lines)
1952 34224   126   1992 105386 71931 10298
1957 65092   178   1993 111069 72170 13496
1962 53188 20442 345   1994 125534 72991 19969
1965 33228 81199 326   1995 123874 72627 52622
1970 13227 85211 387   1996 132759 73640 40786
1975 12057 93305 565   1997 139623 73513 58830
1978 11143 92814 696   1998 140781 73755 88937
1980 12463 88884 773   1999 139511 74786 112368
1985 38159 69553 1390   2000 138037 74340 181255
1986 49104 69527 1657   2001 135521 75111 143927
1987 54867 70167 2206   2002 138195 79411 162694
1988 53525 70779 2824   2003 136627 78661 404340
1989 73624 70757 3778   2004 142804 79186 503304
1990 102316 71005 5436   2005 136434 81607 800640
1991 96348 71239 7332   2006 137001 85590 988590
note:in this table,the data of long-distance telephone lines from 2004 include fixed long-distance telephone,mobile long-distance telephone,
long-distance data telepcommunication lines and that rent to other operators.