11-7  主要年份沿海港口货物吞吐量
freight handled at principal seaports in selected years
单位:万吨             (10000 tons)
福州港 厦门港 泉州港 宁德港 湄州湾 漳州港 (以1950年=100)
year total             index of volume of
            freight handled
fuzhou xiamen quanzhou ningde meizhouwan zhangzhou (year of 1950=100)
1952 56.68 32.00 5.76 6.50 5.00 7.42   169.60
1957 165.96 85.87 54.87 9.60 8.38 7.24   496.70
1962 135.14 49.33 48.68 13.49 5.56 18.08   404.50
1965 239.87 57.75 110.53 34.10 10.20 27.29   718.00
1970 211.23 59.26 102.94 25.37 9.91 13.75   632.20
1975 284.26 120.00 104.27 23.26 20.33 16.40   850.80
1978 408.13 172.04 120.44 29.54 18.75 22.11   1174.50
1980 685.40 208.89 164.87 31.30 25.60 19.77   1802.20
1981 761.05 217.98 162.28 25.36 26.49 17.85   1841.80
1982 816.44 259.87 190.44 21.54 28.26 21.77   2110.70
1983 869.55 311.15 200.02 24.29 29.31 22.06   2294.20
1984 943.46 347.00 250.52 23.36 30.36 22.38   2623.70
1985 1114.09 357.15 290.97 26.02 51.53 31.60 61.84 2813.80
1986 1159.90 442.46 203.89 38.04 44.39 33.52 107.90 3241.80
1987 1303.36 439.61 417.01 42.24 46.36 40.79 105.63 3565.00
1988 1396.79 445.36 457.12 60.01 43.67 57.88 124.34 3785.00
1989 1614.99 597.90 499.45 59.78 47.71 59.58 135.90 4833.90
1990 1496.50 560.89 519.11 52.65 49.27 27.55 115.60 4479.20
1991 1706.38 725.07 581.87 125.28 97.64 41.26 130.04 5107.40
1992 1862.12 720.51 661.07 217.27 92.75 46.53 120.24 5573.50
1993 2679.09 939.66 940.39 469.54 111.53 57.23 153.47 8018.80
1994 3002.33 914.39 1166.50 558.06 139.68 82.12 125.47 8986.30
1995 3460.80 1098.89 1313.87 680.47 137.94 99.65 116.61 10358.60
1996 3959.00 1248.00 1553.00 804.00 138.00 86.00 130.00 11849.70
1997 4485.00 1371.00 1754.00 1006.00 124.00 78.00 151.00 13424.10
1998 4518.00 1288.00 1639.00 1111.00 183.00 108.00 189.00 13522.90
1999 5285.00 1481.00 1773.00 1521.00 182.00 136.00 192.00 15818.90
2000 6944.17 2425.48 1965.26 1712.18 221.19 201.34 418.72 20785.10
2001 8278.42 2961.29 2098.91 2102.08 261.00 320.80 534.34 24778.70
2002 10200.62 3906.72 2734.51 2122.85 185.38 480.41 770.75 30532.20
2003 12495.48 4753.07 3403.88 2511.53 141.78 600.16 1085.06 37401.10
2004 15834.76 5938.63 4261.37 3093.82 184.17 836.04 1520.73 47396.10
2005 19605.25 7443.45 4770.76 4046.16 213.54 1050.03 2081.31 58681.80
2006 23687.61 8847.82 7792.07 5134.93 447.00 1301.11 164.68 70901.00
note:change by the seaports, which some of zhangzhou seaports divided to xiamen seaports, the data of xiamen and zhangzhou seaports are not
comparable with the previous years.