10-5  各种资质等级建筑企业主要经济指标(2006年)
major indicators of construction enterprises by grade,2006
    #总承包       #专业承包      
      item total 一级及以上     一级   三级及
    general first and     special first and   third and
      contract above second third contract above second others
一、企业单位数 (个) number of enterprises (unit)       1914 869 80 342 447 923 104 385 434
二、总产值 (亿元) gross output value (100 million yuan) 1189.37 972.97 475.57 355.35 142.06 189.02 75.22 73.76 40.04
    增加值 value added 298.41 229.32 109.03 84.09 36.19 46.79 17.60 17.95 11.24
    竣工产值 output value of completed 829.59 709.28 344.01 266.79 98.48 120.30 41.09 51.38 27.84
三、房屋施工面积 floor space of building under  13854.50 13549.04 5931.01 5475.08 2142.95 305.47   253.91 51.56
        (万平方米)         construction  (10000 sq.m)                  
    #本年新开工   newly started building in current year 7656.67 7451.63 2925.28 3238.48 1287.88 205.04   160.62 44.43
四、房屋竣工面积 floor space of building completed 4825.62 4650.00 1722.23 2021.30 906.47 175.62   147.67 27.95
        (万平方米)         (10000 sq.m)                  
    #住宅   residential building 2425.14 2410.76 800.31 1197.93 412.52 14.38   13.35 1.04
五、职工年末人数 (万人) number of staff & workers at the 95.33 68.30 26.78 27.49 14.03 11.45 3.74 4.89 2.82
         year-end (10000 persons)                  
    职工年平均人数 annual average balance of  staff  106.09 78.48 28.62 32.20 17.65 14.31 4.15 6.55 3.62
          & workers at the year-end                   
六、全员劳动生产率 overall labor productivity  127097 140983 172170 128422 103531 162957 199320 147842 141166
    (按总产值计算)         (in terms of gross output value)                  
    (元/人)         (yuan/person)                  
七、工资总额 (亿元) total wages (100 million yuan) 197.01 148.88 68.85 56.66 23.36 26.64 10.99 10.46 5.19
八、财务指标 (亿元) financial indicators  (100 million yuan)                            
    资本金合计 total capital 273.67 200.56 57.64 90.57 52.36 66.54 14.17 30.91 21.46
    流动资产年末数 circulating funds at the year-end 700.16 547.22 248.55 202.65 96.03 152.93 35.65 74.10 43.18
    固定资产原值 original value of fixed assets 202.12 147.60 57.21 57.32 33.08 49.90 23.18 16.77 9.95
    固定资产净值 net value of fixed assets 150.67 116.71 39.07 47.73 29.91 29.50 8.94 12.65 7.91
    企业总收入 total income 1084.02 871.59 420.15 324.23 127.20 189.70 71.90 75.90 41.91
    工程结算收入 project settle accounts 1070.46 863.35 415.17 322.67 125.51 185.47 71.13 73.68 40.66
    工程实际成本 actual cost of projects settle 960.69 781.72 377.13 292.98 111.61 157.30 62.77 62.14 32.38
    利润总额 total profits 30.98 22.40 11.03 7.52 3.85 8.43 2.49 2.86 3.08
    #工程结算利润 profits of project settle accounts 66.31 46.53 22.44 15.87 8.22 19.77 5.12 8.37 6.29
    利税总额 total pre-tax profits 71.58 55.47 25.99 20.28 9.20 15.50 5.16 5.66 4.68