9-13  规模以上工业企业主要能源产品按行业分组消费量(2006年)
consumption of major energy in industrial enterprises above designated size by 
industrial sector, 2006
单位:吨         (ton)
      item   洗精煤         燃料油    
  concentrate           electricity
coal coal coke gasoline kerosene diesel oil fuel oil (10000 kwh)
    total 39907528 1194907 2995875 99124 7402 466221 604877 5370487
煤炭开采和洗选业 coal mining and dressing 211247     1143 10 2138   37274
石油和天然气开采业 petroleum and natural gas mining                
黑色金属矿采选业 ferrous metals  mining and dressing 16046 70   610 20 8834 19 26144
有色金属矿采选业 nonferrous metals mining and dressing       373 43 16581   21052
非金属矿采选业 nonmetal minerals mining and dressing 122344   5558 443   13022 503 14403
其他采矿业 others mining and quarrying                
农副食品加工业 agricultural and sideline products processing 358885 217 2665 3254 184 16945 17943 91540
食品制造业 food manufacturing 387317     1828 354 6619 18732 48916
饮料制造业 beverage manufacturing 202133     979 1 2568 23953 35198
烟草制品业 tobacco processing 13397     130   920 6361 7983
纺织业 textile industry 1167541 3937   6480 83 21128 42965 377384
纺织服装、鞋、帽制造业 textile garments , shoes and caps products 48160 197 10 4733 264 9148 3752 85136
皮革、毛皮、羽毛(绒)及其 leather , furs , down and relate products 94719   895 4879 557 18706 17168 153754
木材加工及木、竹、藤、棕、 timber processing , bamboo , cane , palm  143983     1023 28 3076 247 81966
    草制品业        fiber and straw products                
家具制造业 furniture manufacturing 513     978 37 7022 486 26298
造纸及纸制品业 papermaking and paper products 1349431 63   3240 65 10127 16023 227359
印刷业和记录媒介的复制 printing and record medium reproduction 3287     2018 72 1354 93 16784
文教体育用品制造业 cultural , educational and sports goods 3547   277 1220 8 4208 2813 20662
石油加工、炼焦及核燃料 petroleum processing , coking and nuclear 2944     95   408 6952 21117
    加工业         fuel processing                
化学原料及化学制品制造业 raw chemical materials and chemical products 3949427   62602 16482 2457 13519 36234 504799
医药制造业 medical and pharmaceutical products 243952     1127 9 1753 2377 46531
化学纤维制造业 chemical fiber 232256 663 38710 301   718 30352 164238
橡胶制品业 rubber products 107598   250 2759 101 3944 7532 82165
塑料制品业 plastic products 121132   5 4607 88 13217 9428 162702
非金属矿物制品业 nonmetal minerals products 6746028 32432 2112 6623 711 150083 248156 701547
黑色金属冶炼及压延加工业 smelting and pressing of ferrous metals 977127 1148141 2842908 1644 36 7810 12245 491013
有色金属冶炼及压延加工业 smelting and pressing of nonferrous metals 43921 3313 3873 767 363 16632 13108 189382
金属制品业 metal products 20777   49 2298 173 11571 5646 61458
通用设备制造业 general equipment 61832   27206 2121 743 6248 2445 85447
专用设备制造业 special purpose equipment 12539   1921 3025 149 6548 978 28731
交通运输设备制造业 transport equipment 13547   4688 4327 339 24430 6303 73425
电气机械及器材制造业 electric equipment and machinery 16102   2130 3134 175 15258 24221 92605
通信设备、计算机及其他电子 telecommunications , computer , and other 578     3279 152 4266 9956 114190
    设备制造业         electronic equipment                
仪器仪表及文化、办公用机械 instruments , meters , cultural and clerical 562     1027 53 1093 23 40733
    制造业         machinery                
工艺品及其他制造业 handicraft article and other manufacturing 5919 5874 16 5288 116 17281 3775 65333
废弃资源和废旧材料回收加工业 waste resources and materials recovering 888     13   49   2369
电力、热力的生产和供应业 production and supply of electric power  23212429     6002 3 28673 34088 1127891
         and hot power                
燃气生产和供应业 production and supply of gas 15420     129   182   964
水的生产和供应业 production and supply of water       745 8 142   41990