9-6  主要年份独立核算工业企业主要财务指标
main financial indicators of industrial enterprises 
with independent accounting systems in selected years
单位:亿元             (100 million yuan)
  固定资产原值年末数 固定资产净值年末数 流动资产年平均余额 产品销售收入 利税总额 利润总额 工业增加值 工业总产值
  original value of fixed assets at the year-end net value of fixed assets at the year-end annual average balance circulating funds sale revenue total profit and tax total profit value added of industry gross industrial output value
      collective-       collective-                       collective-       collective-       collective-       collective-  
year total state-owned owned others total state-owned owned others total state-owned collective-owned others total state-owned collective-owned others total state-owned owned others total state-owned owned others total state-owned owned others total state-owned owned others
1978 44.84 40.62 4.22     29.52                     12.21 10.25 1.96   6.75 5.53 1.22           55.46 43.69 11.77  
1980 56.78 49.65 7.13   41.11 35.83 5.28           67.25 52.86 14.38 0.01 14.44 12.13 2.31   8.26 6.82 1.44           71.86 55.47 16.38 0.01
1985 103.41 83.83 17.26 2.32 74.01 59.40 12.57 2.04         136.58 99.06 30.79 6.73 25.74 21.10 3.98 0.66 13.55 11.07 2.15 0.33         141.40 98.35 34.00 9.05
1990 244.56 173.52 38.76 32.28 180.75 127.49 26.37 26.89 189.07 116.61 33.50 38.96 352.56 213.01 68.65 70.90 44.97 33.14 5.98 5.85 16.09 11.91 1.79 2.39         393.65 225.17 78.77 89.71
1991 288.96 196.44 40.98 51.54 211.52 142.27 27.31 41.94 230.68 135.02 36.90 58.76 437.36 247.69 80.10 109.57 52.95 37.37 7.37 8.21 19.89 12.80 2.56 4.53 129.51 77.75 24.85 26.91 475.03 247.98 90.18 136.87
1992 343.24 222.13 45.88 75.23 253.82 161.80 30.57 61.45 305.44 155.02 46.02 104.40 564.06 291.68 101.14 171.24 64.43 42.43 9.68 12.32 27.00 15.40 3.97 7.63 157.61 90.02 29.84 37.75 605.49 290.93 111.99 202.57
1993 459.11 245.89 57.68 155.54 342.73 180.80 40.64 121.29 420.30 186.45 57.73 176.12 875.18 390.85 147.98 336.35 103.69 57.21 13.02 33.46 53.56 25.74 5.49 22.33 257.17 101.58 51.62 103.97 970.05 384.68 175.59 409.78
1994 654.01 328.34 74.85 250.82 507.22 244.30 54.18 208.74 580.49 223.45 70.45 286.59 1069.24 365.69 180.99 522.56 129.44 64.69 17.50 47.25 52.80 24.70 3.78 24.32 368.33 127.94 65.71 174.68 1263.99 414.86 229.31 619.82
1995 991.98 482.24 93.97 415.77 783.88 368.76 69.46 345.66 813.89 266.83 93.41 453.65 1469.28 442.04 225.29 801.95 130.54 58.91 18.30 53.33 48.16 15.17 5.35 27.64 410.29 145.42 60.78 204.09 1558.04 433.67 240.51 883.86
1996 1197.03 551.93 107.01 538.09 923.98 411.57 77.81 434.60 922.83 297.21 99.39 526.23 1617.13 438.70 242.70 935.73 145.20 72.80 18.73 53.67 55.12 25.28 5.31 24.53 488.04 144.34 78.45 265.25 1770.54 436.10 282.04 1052.40
1997 1444.47 585.53 128.06 730.88 1106.79 434.63 95.68 576.48 1032.84 272.35 110.87 649.62 1858.56 417.02 269.98 1171.56 170.38 75.02 21.96 73.40 68.62 30.24 6.40 31.98 581.40 137.84 92.35 351.21 2028.43 417.00 307.45 1303.98
1998 1539.99 613.18 84.78 842.03 1150.38 450.25 62.28 637.85 1054.48 261.10 81.27 712.11 1860.76 387.59 183.71 1289.46 159.61 69.24 12.57 77.80 55.76 18.47 3.40 33.89 601.54 158.49 57.99 385.06 2037.52 389.20 205.99 1442.33
1999 1768.61 681.74 82.28 1004.59 1307.18 493.17 59.01 755.00 1157.92 266.13 79.19 812.60 2060.31 424.73 170.05 1465.53 201.05 74.54 12.80 113.71 87.38 22.22 4.38 60.78 665.02 167.73 51.10 446.19 2210.28 406.11 184.70 1619.47
2000 2032.18 679.99 85.13 1267.06 1479.53 477.71 60.21 941.61 1307.81 264.57 77.25 965.99 2468.69 445.30 176.52 1846.87 246.60 81.60 14.16 150.84 110.80 24.21 5.29 81.30 797.12 172.80 52.37 571.95 2616.12 447.09 189.96 1979.07
2001 2351.09 711.63 76.29 1563.17 1690.78 492.17 53.55 1145.06 1463.02 249.35 68.21 1145.46 2789.09 431.74 169.13 2188.22 264.38 86.09 14.98 163.31 118.22 26.37 6.21 85.64 875.39 183.37 49.19 642.83 2945.02 421.07 180.11 2343.84
2002 2596.43 591.72 59.92 1944.79 1812.38 410.75 41.84 1359.79 1678.59 189.70 60.43 1428.46 3522.47 344.91 146.80 3030.76 369.21 73.79 12.49 282.93 204.30 20.11 5.73 178.46 1177.59 153.43 45.06 979.10 3676.37 329.12 154.34 3192.91
2003 2979.24 624.78 58.20 2296.26 2020.47 416.94 40.99 1562.54 2095.48 164.42 60.93 1870.12 4822.24 390.11 163.67 4268.46 518.62 85.46 16.65 416.51 314.40 24.82 7.97 281.60 1448.50 157.92 52.23 1238.35 4953.74 358.20 171.78 4423.76
2004 3435.92 640.44 35.79 2759.69 2343.14 427.74 22.86 1892.53 2752.06 235.86 42.30 2473.90 6581.07 590.08 101.07 5889.92 635.11 91.22 8.95 534.94 382.00 21.92 3.73 356.35 1917.65 179.53 31.43 1706.69 6783.42 598.92 103.58 6080.91
2005 3838.40 330.01 36.72 3471.67 2565.23 204.17 24.82 2336.23 3260.86 166.05 40.18 3054.64 7848.24 398.85 106.91 7342.48 693.28 85.47 9.41 598.40 407.55 19.84 3.47 384.25 2291.26 148.85 38.24 2104.16 8135.98 403.27 111.97 7620.74
2006 4499.35 710.81 40.54 3747.99 2970.84 450.69 25.57 2494.57 3852.73 235.96 45.72 3571.05 9661.48 738.51 137.89 8785.08 963.72 113.02 16.01 834.69 586.52 26.61 8.04 551.87 2847.81 209.66 48.85 2589.30 10005.08 753.56 139.52 9112.00
note:statistics scope from 1998 covers industrial enterprises above designated size. b)sales income from 1995 excludes tax on sales.c)"state-owned, 
collective-owned, others" from 1998 refers to the registation type of enterprises. d)value added of industrial enterprises above designed size in this 
table and following are calculated by produce method.