8-26  主要林产品产量
output of major forest products
    item 1995 2000 2005 2006
木材产量(万立方米) output of cut wood (10000 cu.m) 547.2 406.4 708.2 729.0
毛竹采伐量(万根) mao bamboo (10000 unit) 10965 15872 15504 17938
篙竹采伐量(万根) lofty bamoo (10000 unit) 5963 6631 10061 10401
油桐籽 (吨) tung-oil seeds (ton)         14801 18121 20928 20764
油茶籽 (吨) tea-oil seeds (ton) 45878 62983 72597 75897
乌桕籽 (吨) chinese tallow tree seeds (ton) 350 121 1145 529
棕片 (吨) piece of palm (ton) 7860 10891 12162 12351
松脂 (吨) rosin (ton)            93380 72949 72299 75089
笋干 (吨) dried bamboo shoots  (ton)   57969 120970 153497 166494
板栗 (吨) chinese chestnut  (ton)   4003 19439 49134 56621
山苍籽 (吨) litsea cueba (ton) 9591 7845 9552 10017
note:data on output of cut trees and bamboo before 2002 include data of village level and below,from 2003, the date include all.