8-17  农林牧渔业分项产值
gross output value of farming,forestry,animal husbandry and fishery by item
单位:万元     (100 million yuan)
    item 2005 2006 2006比2005
increase rate in
2006 over
农林牧渔业总产值 total 13961484 14963537 3.0
一、农业产值 agriculture 5710080 6286742 2.6
  谷物及其他作物   cereal and others 1850377 1944310 0.2
    谷物     cereal 1102459 1127684  
    薯类     sweet potato 293684 307735  
    油料     oil-bearing crops 111900 117035  
    豆类     bean 68244 86136  
    棉花     cotton 14 30  
    麻类     fiber crops 257 206  
    糖料     sugar 27488 35065  
    烟叶     tobacco 122298 145641  
    其他农作物     other crops 124033 124779  
  蔬菜、园艺作物   vegetable and gardening crops 2462248 2715748 3.8
    蔬菜(含菜用瓜)     vegetable ( include melon ) 2231397 2501799  
      作物蔬菜       vegetable crops 1607314 1764426  
      食用菌       edible fungus 624083 737373  
    花卉     flower 230852 213948  
  水果、饮料和香料作物   fruit , drink and perfume crops 1328898 1554820 4.2
    水果(含果用瓜)     fruit ( include melon ) 959228 1119268  
      园林水果       gardening fruit 889302 1048277  
      果用瓜类       fruited melon 69926 709901  
    茶叶     tea 359783 426935  
    香料作物     perfume crops 9888 8617  
  中药材   traditional chinese medicine materials 68556 71865 -4.9
二、林业产值 forestry 969212 1057848 4.9
  林木的培育和种植   breeding and planting of forest 45123 52645  
  竹木采运   cutting and transport of bamboo and trees 573239 631731 4.6
  #村及村以下     rural and under rural 468252 467669  
  林产品   forest products 350848 373471 4.5
三、牧业产值 animal husbandry 2764787 2797050 2.1
  牲畜饲养   livestock raising 197711 206329 -1.8
    牛的饲养     cow raising 80735 78635  
    羊的饲养     sheep raising 64941 80007  
    奶类     dairy 52034 47686  
    #牛奶       milk 49100 43894  
  猪的饲养     hogs raising 1816114 1831725 2.7
  家禽饲养     poultry raising 675367 676156 1.2
  #肉禽       meat poultry 387781 388162  
    禽蛋       poultry eggs 287586 287994  
  狩猎和捕捉动物     hunting animals 12025 12887  
  其他畜禽产品     other poultry products 63572 69953  
四、渔业产品 fishery 4343693 4634403 3.4
  海水产品   seawater products 3273904 3527909 2.2
  内陆水域水产品   freshwate products 1069789 1106494 6.8
五、农林牧渔服务业 services of agriculture , forestry , animal 173713 187494 7.1
           husbandry and fishery      
note:output value of  hog and poultry since 2005 are from sample surrey.