8-6  农业基础设施
agricultural fundamental facilities
    item 1995 2000 2004 2005
1.农村机械使用 use of motorized cultivation        
  机耕地面积(千公顷)   cultivated areas by tractors (1000 hectare) 390.56 405.49 419.22 421.85
    占耕地面积比重(%)   proportion to total cultivated areas(%)    32.40 34.20 36.75 37.36
  机械播种面积(千公顷)        sown area by machinery(1000 hectare) 0.26 1.95 0.92 0.75
  #机械插秧(千公顷)          transplanter areas by machinery(1000 hectare) 0.05 0.69 0.47 0.42
  机械收割面积(千公顷)        cut area by machinery(1000 hectare) 3.83 18.48 48.29 64.25
2.农村电力设施     rural power equitment         
  乡村办水电站(处)        hydropower stations in rural(unit) 3579 3507 4629 4859
  发电能力(万千瓦)            generating capacity of hydropower station(10000 kw) 67.63 92.78 186.47 222.61
  农村用电量(亿千瓦时)          electricity consumed in aural(100 million kwh) 45.68 72.43 137.57 160.58
3.化肥施用量        consumption of chemical fertilizer        
  按实物量计算(万吨)        by actual(10000 tons)  378.99 423.04 414.17 419.09
    氮肥     nitrogenous fertilizer 194.48 197.62 182.75 182.15
    磷肥       phosphate fertilizer 98.23 104.34 99.47 100.26
    钾肥     potash fertilizer 38.24 50.11 52.05 53.40
    复合肥     compound fertilizer 48.05 70.97 79.90 83.27
  按折纯量计算(万吨)     by pure(10000 tons)    104.97 123.33 121.66 122.02
    氮肥     nitrogenous fertilizer 51.86 55.66 51.32 51.29
    磷肥     phosphate fertilizer 15.91 16.83 16.76 16.48
    钾肥     potash fertilizer 19.05 23.78 24.29 24.41
    复合肥      compound fertilizer 18.15 27.07 29.30 29.84
4.沼气池(万个)  marsh gas ponds(10000 units)           3.43 4.65 7.85 9.56
5.水利             water conservancy          
  有效灌溉面积(千公顷)       effective irrigated area(1000 hectare)  936.52 940.18 941.45 949.71
  旱涝保收面积(千公顷)        dried and flooded areas under control and   ensuring stable yeilds(1000 hectare) 633.55 623.83 663.34 681.22
  机电排灌面积(千公顷)        irrigation and drainage area by power(1000 hectare) 171.92 176.31 160.52 160.23
6.农用塑料薄膜使用量(万吨) consumption of agricultural plastic film(10000 tons) 1.84 2.12 2.95 3.60
  #地膜使用量(万吨)        consumption of ground film(10000 tons)  0.75 0.98 1.50 1.65
7.农药使用量(万吨)        consumption of agricultural chemical(10000 tons) 4.80 5.18 5.35 5.60
8.农用柴油使用量(万吨)    consumption of agricultural diesel(10000 tons) 31.27 47.95 80.02 74.19