8-4  常用耕地增减变动情况
change of cultivated areas
单位:公顷  (hectare)
    item 1995 2000 2004 2005
1.当年新增的耕地面积 increase of cultivated areas in current year 3085.47 4411.40 1545.80 1414.87
  #新开荒      newly reclaimed waste land    1095.93 1573.80 581.20 472.40
    围垦(已利用)   cultivated seashore land 931.93 677.80 3.47 9.47
2.当年减少的耕地    decrease of cultivated areas in current year 9503.93 31166.73 9752.27 13215.93
  #国家基建          capital construction 3148.87 2657.07 4100.47 7610.20
    乡村集体基建   rural collective construction  371.87 668.20 1456.07 1781.07
    农民个人建房占地   peasant individual construction 318.67 409.73 334.80 618.00
    退耕造林          forestry 137.53 3526.33 198.93 324.40
    退耕改果   fruits planting         922.13 9321.07 2056.13 647.53
    退耕改渔      fishery     409.93 1312.47 431.87 235.47
    灾害毁地   loss by disasters         646.67 9561.07 227.27 799.80