7-15  保险公司业务经济技术指标(2006年)
economic and technical indicators of insurance companies,2006
单位:万元       (10000 yuan)
   item 保险金额     赔款及给付
    claim and
amount insured premium payment
财产保险公司合计     property insurance companies 266233676 523602 277777
  财产保险   property insurance 149356246 463426 253004
    企业财产险           enterprise property insurance 61940740 49621 41266
    家庭财产险           family property insurance 2008622 3076 2980
    机动车辆险           motor vehicle insurance 52401881 361257 191880
    船舶险               ship insurance 2365663 18214 5769
    货物运输险           freight transport insurance 24377115 20375 7042
    特殊风险保险         special risk insurance 2621267 3767 79
    建筑、安装工程       construction and installation projects 3640959 7115 3988
  责任险             liability insurance 59186538 18709 7856
  信用险         credit insurance 1343758 9320 3017
  保证保险           guarantee insurance 3115153 4556 2584
  农业险             agriculture insurance 3356640 3758 343
  其他   others 312018 570 245
人寿保险公司合计     life insurance companies 144721811 1219914 170309
    寿险  life insurance 16057602 1041926 117028
    个人业务   ondividual 15759611 953731 108444
    团体业务   team 297992 88195 8584
    健康险           health insurance 42766813 146140 41363
    人身意外伤害险   unforeseen human insurance 85897395 31848 11917