6-15  设区市居民消费价格指数(2006年)
consumer price indices by city, 2006
(上年价格为100)       (preceding year=100)
  居民消费   按类别分  (by category) 按类别分  (by category)
价格指数       烟酒及用品   家庭设备用品 医疗保健和 交通和通讯 娱乐教育文化    
            及维修服务 个人用品   用品及服务   #水电燃料
            household health cares transportation recreation, residence water,
            facilities,articles   and education and   electricity
consumer price index urban rural food tobacco and liquor clothing and services   communication culture and   and fuel
福州市  fuzhou   101.1 100.8 101.4 102.2 100.3 96.1 100.7 100.8 99.7 97.8 105.0 106.9
厦门市  xiamen   100.8 100.8   101.2 101.5 91.9 100.0 100.1 98.4 100.5 106.1 106.9
莆田市  putian   100.8 102.8 99.5 103.4 100.6 96.7 100.4 98.1 99.9 92.9 105.5 105.1
三明市  sanming   101.1 100.9 101.2 101.3 101.3 98.6 98.3 99.5 99.5 100.2 107.1 108.0
泉州市  quanzhou  100.7 101.2 99.7 101.9 100.6 99.3 101.3 101.6 99.5 94.9 104.7 105.2
漳州市  zhangzhou   100.6 101.1 100.5 102.6 100.2 99.7 100.2 99.1 100.7 94.5 102.9 102.8
南平市  nanping   101.2 101.6 100.5 102.4 100.1 98.8 102.0 99.4 99.5 97.6 105.9 107.7
龙岩市  longyan   100.9 101.9 100.2 102.1 101.6 100.1 102.5 97.9 100.1 93.2 107.5 107.4
宁德市  ningde 101.4 101.9 100.9 103.9 101.8 101.8 100.0 100.2 98.1 91.8 107.8 110.1