5-15  按人均可支配收入分组的城镇居民家庭基本情况(2006年)  
basic indicators of urban households by per capita disposable income , 2006  
单位:元               (yuan)
    item 最低收入 低收入 中等偏下收入 中等收入 中等偏上收入 高收入 最高收入
lowest income low income lower middle income middle income upper middle income high income highest income
  占调查总户数的比重(%) proportion (%) 10 10 20 20 20 10 10
  平均每户家庭人口数(人) average number of persons per household (persons) 3.38 3.24 3.23 3.13 2.94 2.83 2.67
  平均每户就业人口数(人) average number of employed persons per household (persons) 1.66 1.47 1.66 1.72 1.64 1.55 1.63
  平均每户就业面(%) percentage of employment per household (%) 49.10 45.40 51.40 55.00 55.80 54.80 61.00
  平均每一就业者负担人数(人) number of persons supported by each employed (persons) 2.04 2.20 1.94 1.82 1.79 1.83 1.64
  家庭总收入 total revenue 5506.25 7491.17 9633.45 12447.03 16756.27 21859.10 34026.51
    可支配收入   disposable income 4785.17 6784.85 8761.93 11424.06 15225.60 19888.00 31140.16
    #工薪收入     wages income 3808.84 4203.66 6539.12 8884.25 11733.72 14301.88 21996.03
    经营净收入     net income from household business 570.89 1027.26 967.91 772.68 830.12 942.18 1799.50
    财产性收入     property income 32.77 128.83 170.00 277.13 538.87 822.58 1881.07
    转移性收入     transfer income 1093.75 2131.43 1956.43 2512.98 3653.55 5792.46 8349.90
    #养老金或离退休金       pensions    697.82 1665.76 1516.59 1894.91 2608.83 3693.60 4404.15
      社会救济收入       social relief 16.00 29.97   8.86 3.16   6.69
      赡养收入       supporting 133.82 105.76 116.79 82.86 301.74 575.38 643.52
      捐赠收入       donation 111.75 163.89 195.66 247.81 413.72 933.41 1862.47
      提取住房公积金       accumulation fund of houses       5.87 20.42 25.93 536.80
  消费支出 expenditure on consumption 4455.11 5995.94 6846.19 8299.58 10385.52 13800.48 20326.39
     食品 food 2233.90 2891.83 3004.55 3547.02 4184.35 4850.37 6433.46
     #粮油类   grain and oil 375.73 441.85 408.85 471.86 503.34 524.52 536.65
       肉禽蛋水产品类   meat, poultry, eggs and aquatic products 988.24 1299.04 1310.57 1509.46 1612.49 1800.79 2061.66
       蔬菜类   vegetables 280.66 323.62 325.28 361.92 360.23 391.07 415.90
       干鲜瓜果类   dried and fresh melon & fruits 125.48 177.07 205.75 254.10 294.57 352.88 413.25
     衣着 clothing 254.04 421.91 565.39 701.39 864.13 1071.40 1625.86
     家庭设备用品及服务 household facilities, articles and services 158.08 256.75 270.25 390.29 593.52 873.33 1278.17
     医疗保健 medicine and medical services 160.93 195.91 520.25 329.88 650.32 602.69 1050.32
     交通和通讯 transport post and communication services 387.13 574.48 682.50 1070.13 1154.01 2203.54 2921.21
     教育文化娱乐服务 education, recreation and cultural services 532.60 745.62 804.14 1120.00 1365.98 1849.65 3126.96
     居住 residence 632.24 754.91 803.80 872.15 1203.97 1850.97 3002.49
       住房   housing 110.79 152.45 188.44 171.16 418.18 870.41 1888.82
       水电燃料及其他   water, electricity, fuels and others 512.36 589.62 584.48 677.81 748.79 852.57 947.60
       居住服务费   residential services 9.09 12.84 30.88 23.18 37.00 127.99 166.07
     杂项商品和服务 miscellanecus commodities and services 96.19 154.53 195.30 268.72 369.22 498.54 887.93