4-1  主要年份全社会固定资产投资额
total investment in fixed assets in selected years
单位:亿元             (100 million yuan)
  全 社 会           全社会固定
固定资产           资产投资比
投 资 额 城镇 #房地产开发 农村 集体 个人 上年增长(%)
              increase rate
  total investment       collective-   in 2005 over
year   urban real estate rural   individuals 2006 of total
  in fixed assets       owned   investment in
              fixed assets
1952 0.62 0.38   0.24 0.11 0.13 68.10
1957 2.42 1.87   0.55 0.40 0.15 -55.20
1962 3.23 2.15   1.08 0.59 0.49 -16.60
1965 4.94 3.40   1.54 0.82 0.72 14.90
1970 7.21 4.85   2.36 1.02 1.34 111.40
1975 10.26 6.79   3.47 1.72 1.75 12.80
1978 13.35 9.45   3.90 1.95 1.95 55.20
1979 15.30 11.27   4.03 2.32 1.71 14.60
1980 18.30 13.57   4.73 2.75 1.98 19.60
1981 18.47 13.49   4.98 2.70 2.28 0.90
1982 24.45 16.32   8.13 3.23 4.90 32.40
1983 26.97 18.38   8.59 4.04 4.55 10.30
1984 34.61 24.23   10.38 5.25 5.13 28.30
1985 55.62 42.35   13.27 6.43 6.84 60.70
1986 64.46 48.63 3.57 15.83 4.18 11.65 15.90
1987 81.60 58.84 3.25 22.76 7.86 14.90 26.60
1988 100.29 71.41 7.13 28.88 8.05 20.83 22.90
1989 101.65 72.29 11.02 29.36 7.92 21.44 1.40
1990 115.41 81.39 13.47 34.02 9.12 24.90 13.50
1991 145.62 105.50 21.07 40.12 11.78 28.34 26.20
1992 227.55 176.76 41.03 50.79 16.45 34.34 56.30
1993 368.45 288.61 60.93 79.84 31.84 48.00 61.90
1994 538.86 437.65 101.98 101.21 34.83 66.38 46.30
1995 681.17 551.18 151.37 129.99 43.26 86.73 26.40
1996 790.00 636.66 151.69 153.34 60.25 93.09 16.00
1997 898.47 721.67 148.33 176.80 72.66 104.14 13.70
1998 1048.52 855.64 165.63 192.88 85.62 107.26 16.70
1999 1040.00 846.39 178.62 193.61 105.83 87.78 3.50
2000 1082.47 863.21 207.37 219.26 132.17 87.09 4.10
2001 1134.48 930.10 225.49 204.38 123.75 80.63 4.80
2002 1230.76 1010.76 248.99 220.00 138.00 82.00 8.50
2003 1507.87 1240.78 362.07 267.09 170.67 96.42 22.50
2004 1899.10 1600.55 477.79 298.55 197.84 100.71 25.90
2005 2344.73 1986.31 540.39 358.43 255.40 103.03 23.50
2006 3115.08 2765.12 787.36 349.96 233.33 116.63 32.90
note:a)collective investment in rural areas from 1999 to 2006 refers to non farmers' investment(the same as the following.  b)in accordance with 
national regulation, total investment in fixed assets excludes the investment in private house building under city town level from 1999.