3-23  城镇新就业人数
new employed persons in urban areas
单位:万人       (10000 person)
    item 2000 2005 2006
                     total 42.89 124.37 132.96
 #城镇单位净增从业人数   net added employed persons in urban enterprises -3.01 22.39 27.36
   城镇个私净增从业人数   net added employed persons in urban self-employed      2.12 27.10 26.73
           individuals' and private enterprises      
按就业人员来源分         by resource      
  城镇劳动力               urban employment 11.43 38.24 42.59
  农村劳动力               rural employment 22.29 62.88 66.78
  大学、中专、技校毕业生   graduation from college, secondary school and           5.49 11.02 12.15
          technical school      
  其他                 others 3.68 12.23 11.44
按就业人员安置去向分     by settle      
  国有经济单位             state-owned 10.25 14.41 14.59
  城镇集体经济单位         collective-owned 3.53 2.95 3.15
  其他各种经济类型单位     others 26.99 79.90 88.49
  城镇个私劳动者           self-employed individuals and private enterprise in  2.12 27.10 26.73
           urban areas      
note:new employed persons include 1)employed persons added annually in urban self-employed individuals' and private enterprises' reports. 
2)veterans, persons from other units, graduates from universities, colleges and technical schools, and newly recruited persons from urban and rural 
areas, who are employed by urban units in the year.