19-14  房地产业企业综合经营景气状况(2005年)
business climate index of real estate enterprises, 2005
    item 一季度 二季度 三季度 四季度
1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter
企业家信心指数 entreprenur expactation index 137.4 129.1 125.3 136.3
房地产业总体景气状况 business climate index 137.2 135.9 126.3 135.0
一、按企业登记注册类型分 grouped by ownership
  国有企业   state-owned enterprises 133.7 136.4 120.9 130.0
  有限责任公司   limited liability companies 136.8 126.3 126.3 133.3
  股份有限公司   share-holding companies 153.1 134.9 144.0 144.0
  外商及港、澳、台投资企业   enterprises invested by foreigners or
   investors from hongkong, macro
   and taiwan
147.4 150.0 131.6 144.4
二、按企业规模分 grouped by size
  大型   large size 176.5 184.1 166.3 166.3
  中小型   small and medium size 132.9 130.6 121.9 131.4
    中型     medium size 163.6 163.6 154.6 157.1
    小型     small size 119.6 116.0 107.8 120.4
三、特殊企业群体的综合经营指数 grouped by special enterprises
  上市公司   listed companies 164.0 130.7 147.4 147.4
  国有控股企业   state-holding enterprises 131.9 137.9 121.4 129.0
四、不同观察指标的综合经营指数 grouped by indictors
  土地开发   land areas developed 88.5 106.7 102.2 108.9
  完成投资   investment completed 104.2 112.9 108.4 118.9
  新开工情况   newly build investment 86.6 92.0 92.4 98.1
  房屋竣工   floor space completed 88.7 93.3 89.6 103.2
  商品房预售   floor space of commercial house sold
   in advance
93.2 98.2 85.4 91.9
  商品房销售   selling price of commercial house sold  99.4 103.1 76.5 95.4
  商品房销售价格   selling price of commercial houses 132.9 108.0 106.2 110.5
  空置商品房   floor space of vacant commercial house 153.1 139.1 142.6 153.8
  盈利(亏损)变化   change of profits or losses 126.1 117.9 109.2 112.6
  流动资金   circulating funds 111.0 115.4 104.3 104.2
  企业融资   accommodation 98.1 101.8 93.3 90.7
  货款拖欠   delinquent loans 125.9 120.3 128.7 133.5
  劳动力需求   demand of labor force 97.6 90.8 91.4 106.1
  固定资产投资   investment in fixed assets 104.2 110.0 104.5 104.6